Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Make better Tips waitressing?

I read an article that said squatting to their level when taking the order, wearing a flower in your hair %26amp; smiley faces on the check will earn you better tips. Any other ideas?

Make better Tips waitressing?
I tip better when certain things happen. I always give the minimum, but sometimes, they get more IF:

They ask how my meal is when there ISN'T food in my mouth.. I hate when they see me chewing and THEN come over and ask how everything is.

They refill my water, coffee, tea, pop.. etc.. in a timely fashion. If I was at home, I would get up and get it myself.. but I'm not, so you should be doing it for me.

They get my bill when I ask for it.. not 10 minutes later. When I ask for my bill it's because I want to leave.. not because I want to sit there for another 10 minutes waiting.

They are NICE.. if you're having a bad day, and you're being a ***** to me just because you're having a bad day.. I don't tip at all. There's nothing worse than a waitress having a bad day taking it out on you. Leave your problems at home. You're in an industry where you rely on tips.. knowing that tips aren't mandatory in most places.. you'd think you'd be nice to the customers even though your BF just walked out on you. If you don't think you're going to be able to leave it at home and be personable.. then don't come to work.

For me, and everyone I know.. waitresses don't get more of a tip by drawing a smile face on the cheque, wearing a flower in their hair or breathing on my neck. They get their tip for being a good waitress and taking care of our dining needs.
Reply:I tip my waiter/waiterss , based on the Approach at my table , I just want my waitre/ss to be themselves , Smile an just be kind. I usually tip no less than 30% of my check , if the waitre/ss is Just chill calm , relaxed , an acting like themselves, it's really easy to spot when a waiter/ss is acting fake.

Or you could waitress at a More upscale resturant , food is more so the check is more an tips are usually more !

much luck !
Reply:Just be sure to not act like you hate your job! I tend to tip better if I have a waiter/tress that is cheerful, even if they get something incorrect. So smile, and even if you are having a horrible day, treat the customer like they are your main priority (as they should be) and be sure to apologize if something does go wrong.
Reply:1. Be polite.

2. Make sure the order is on time and correct.

3. A little perfume is ok, but don't bathe in it.

4. If it's appropriate, lightly squeeze the customer's bicep area as you hand them the check. It personalizes the meal. But, don't do this if it's a arguing couple, a flirty person you're not interested in, or an angry person.

5. Listen to what they say. Make good eye contact.

6. Don't gossip to the customer.

7. Refill the drinks without asking if they want a refill.

8. Bring ketchup with all burgers and fries. Don't make them ask for it.

9. Thank the customer for coming. It'll make them feel important.

10. Don't worry about other tables/waitresses. That's someone else's problem.

And forget about the smiley face on the check. I've always thought that to be cheesy.
Reply:personally i don't really care if they squat, sit, or kneel, if they have flowers or smiley faces on their checks. what i want is not to have to ask for refills or to have them clear plates or wait around forever to get their attention. if they have great, fast and professional customer service I have no problem with tipping accordingly. I had an outstanding server once and left her $20 for a $60 check. it was worth the money in my opinion.
Reply:I tip better when my water, iced tea etc... Is refilled a couple of times, and my waiter/waitress writes "Thank you" on the check. Thank you goes a long way with me!
Reply:I tip better to people who are friendly and get my order right the first time. Take the time to make idle chit chat even though you may not want to. Sometimes though you still may not get a tip, but don't let it get you down, just pick yourself up and continue to be perking even though you don't want to. Tips may be scarce now due to the economy, but remember that even though a person look poor they may be a better tipper than a rich person because they appreciate your attention.
Reply:Bring their drinks right away. Don't mess up their order. Be polite and professional. Check back with them to make sure everything is okay. Bring their check %26amp; clear the table once everyone is finished eating.

Save the cutesy stuff, it doesn't work.
Reply:I don't like it when servers stoop to my level or pull up a chair to take my order. I'm there to eat and be waited on--not make friends with my server.

I generally tip very well, and what makes them get a really good tip (25% or more, in some cases) is a) when I ask for a refill, they bring it quickly; b) when I ask for the check, they bring it quickly (and bring me my credit card slip quickly); and c) if they ask if I want to see the dessert tray and I say no, they drop it and don't leave me hanging for 5 minutes, only to ask again. (Macaroni Grill is HELLISH about doing this.)
Reply:Anticipate their needs before they ask you. If you noticed their napkin is getting used up bring some over next time around. If you see them shaking the hell out of the ketchup bottle bring one to them. It is amazing how the customer appreciate not having to ask you for something. So be attentive to your guest needs. Also check your plate presentation. If their is supposed to be a lemon as a garnish make sure it is there. That's one step you wont have to repeat if that customer uses that lemon on his fish
Reply:flirt alot, i usually tip very well to flirty waitresses.
Reply:Part of it depends on the restaurant where you work. Your behavior should reflect the customer's expectations of their dining experience. For most restaurants (casual, family-style places), friendly gestures like smileys on the checks or squatting down are appropriate, while the expectations at a fancier place would be for more formal behavior. Sucking up to the kids also can be helpful for tip-boosting, particularly if you find someway to help keep them quiet for the parents. Get them balloons, crayons, or whatever else you can (do ask the parent first though, but quietly). Whatever you do, don't sit down at the table to take their order. It's amazing how many servers do this. I know it stinks to be running around on your feet for several hours, but most diners do not like it for one reason or another (breach of decorum, invasion of personal space, etc.)

Help, how do you think this would look?

I am in the process of ordering the flowers for the bouquets and boutineers. My dilemma is, my wedding is in about 3 weeks (I know not much time left) but what I am doing is ordering the roses online and making all the stuff with the help of the wedding party ($$$). Anyway, the bridemaid dresses are red, mine is ivory, and the tuxes are all black. I initially thought to do red roses for me and white for everyone else, but I think red would be too much of a how would it look if I used a variety of colors such as red, white, pink, and yellow or is that too summery? Also, how about just white or cream colored roses? Any suggestions are welcomed, please help!

Help, how do you think this would look?
I think that if your wanting to go by the richness of the season, the red would be nice, but something you can have ordered is a bundle of cream roses that have an accent color of red, kinda like a shimmer, which is soft and really rich for the season. I think too many light colors going on might mess up the theme you were going for initially. Your brides made could have the straight creme roses or white if you prefer. You could even to on your bouquet an outer of the rich scarlet red and the inner the cream with the red! That also would be very beautiful! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy holidays
Reply:i agree that it depends on what time of day it is

it doesnt matter if yours stick out more youre the bride your supposed to stick out
Reply:I think that the red would look spectacular against your white dress and not look to flashy, I also think that red would look great against the tuxes and white roses for the bridesmaids. I think your Idea about all those other colors would be too flashy and to springish, not summery.

Also if your looking to save money silk flowers may be cheaper and you can get them at Micheals and may be able to find different types of flowers that you like and they are easier to work with. (experiance of doing way to many wedding flowers in my time.) besides which there you can also find very pretty vine-like babies breath and such.

Have fun and you should hurry you don't have much time to do all of this :)
Reply:If it is a night wedding, the red and white would be very dramatic and classy. However, if it is a day time wedding, the mix of colors may soften the effect so it isn't so stark. I like both ideas!
Reply:I like the idea of red, white, pink and yellow - nothing summery about them at all. Or what about sonya colored.
Reply:I would use white roses for the bridesmaids and red roses for you, the contrast looks great.
Reply:red roses for everybody trust me you wont be disappointed.
Reply:cream and red would be pretty
Reply:I think your first thought would be stunning! The contrast would be really neat, bold and memorable.
Reply:My wedding colors were the same as yours.

My bouquet was red roses (3 different shades) and a little white flower called stephonosis as accents. I received so many compliments on my bouquet.

The bridesmaid bouquets were calla lillie and casa blancas.

Good luck and congratulations!!!
Reply:I think your initial idea is great. I think the contrast would look beautiful.


When should i ordered a flower girl dress.?

You should do it the same time that your bridesmaids order their gowns, which is usually recommended no later than 6 months prior to the wedding. Dresses can take up to 3 months to produce and then you need the extra time for alterations.

Dresses for flower girls are the trickiest because their bodies haven't fully developed yet. Their dresses aren't as easy to find in bridal shops as bridesmaid dresses and bridal gowns are.

  • face mask
  • How do you make a picture partly b&w, and a part the original color?

    A friend of mine is curious as to how to do this.

    You know,

    people have those photos where the person or part of the picture will be in black and white,

    and then objects, or a small part of the picture will be in the original color.

    a mostly black and white pic, with one or a few colored parts.

    Like, I know a friend of mine has a picture that is all black and white of her, but then the flower she is holding is hot pink.

    My friend is just wondering how to do this, and/or what programs you need in order to do this, and how to get those programs.

    How do you make a picture partly b%26amp;w, and a part the original color?
    So what you're talking about is called "Popping Color".

    This is how you do it on Photoshop

    (you can download a free photoshop trial from the Apple website- works on Macs, but I'm not sure about Windows):

    1) Make sure your Toolbar, Layers, and Options are on the screen (if not, go to WINDOWS%26gt;LAYERS, WINDOWS%26gt;OPTIONS, and WINDOWS%26gt;TOOLS)

    2) Duplicate the picture on another layer. Do this by clicking CTRL-A, CTRL-C, CTRL-V, CTRL-V. (Apple-A, etc. for Macs). You should now have three layers of the same picture- background, layer 1, and layer 2.

    3) Go to layer 1. Select Desaturate (under IMAGE%26gt;ADJUSTMENT%26gt;DESATURATE)

    4) Go to layer 2. Select whatever object(s) you want to remain Colored. (select using a Lasso tool or Quick Select tool on the tool bar. for different types of lassos: right click on the lasso button, then select an appropriate lasso.) When everything is selected, inverse the selection (SELECT%26gt;INVERSE)

    5) Layer 2: apply a layer mask (LAYER%26gt;LAYER MASK%26gt;REVEAL ALL)

    6) Layer 2: make sure you're foreground color is black. Your background color should be white. Now, color everything (except what you selected to be Colored) on layer 2 black.

    7) Merge layers. Do this by highlighting all layers, then right-clicking and select merge layers or flatten image. Save as a .jpg

    8) That's it! Better look fabulous now...
    Reply:See for well over 2,000 times that this question has been asked before. Each time it will have 5 answers or more, so you will have 10,000 answers to choose from. One of them will work with your software.

    Or, come back and tell us exactly what image editting program you are using and maybe there is someone here who knows about that program who cangive you a meaningful answer.

    Or, since you want to buy a program consider Photoshop Elements 5.0.

    Start with a color photo. If you want to add color to a black and white photo, you will have to be very careful, patient and skillful with the paintbrush tool.

    This is one way that you can do it in Photoshop Elements. Maybe this is helpful for other image editors as well. It would be helpful to print this out and follow along. It's easy to do, but you must do the steps in order. Perhaps your own image editor has similar commands. If not, you might want to add details or post a new question to tell us what software you will be using.

    1. Open the image you wish to alter.

    2. Save the image using a different name than the original name so that you don't lose your original.

    3. Use any selection tool you wish to outline the object whose color you wish to preserve. The Magnetic Lasso Tool is pretty quick, but the regular Lasso Tool might be more precise.

    3-A. Use the erase tool to erase any color that you do NOT wish to preserve.

    4. Hit [CTRL]+[C] to copy the selection.

    5. Hit [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[N] to make a new blank layer.

    (Name it if you want, but you can accept "Layer 1.")

    6. Hit [CTRL]+[V] to place the selection in the blank layer.

    7. Move back to the background layer by clicking on that layer in the layers palette. (on the right of your screen)

    8. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[U] to remove all color.

    8-A. ALTERNATE APPROACH No. 1: Hit [CTRL]+[U] and use sliders to desaturate, leaving a hint of color present.

    8-B. ALTERNATE APPROACH No. 2: Use a "Convert to Black and White" utility, if your software offers this. In Photoshop Elements, the command is [ALT]+[CTRL]+[B].

    9. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[E] to merge the layers.

    10. Save your work.
    Reply:Nikon NX program is a lot easier to do this than Photoshop

    All you need to do is to convert the photo to Black and White then use the minus brush to remove what you want in color.

    There is a 30 day trial for the program.

    This what I used on these Photos.

    Any suggestions of a good on line gift?

    I want to send a gift basket but not sure of some good sites. I know of many but have no experience ordering from them. Something affordable not 30.00 for a 3oz box of chocolate. You get what I mean. Of course doesn't have to be chocolate, deals on flowers or other unique gift. It is for a couple in their late 30's.


    Any suggestions of a good on line gift? they sell very unique flowers or food but any gift you can think of.. they are having a big sell right now..I bought all my Christmas there..
    Reply:You might try one of these sites,that is what I did and if all else fails use the last one. Good luck and see where it sends you for other suggestions
    Reply:try have gift baskets for every occasion. fruit baskets are nice too. I got one once and it was sooo good and my husband and i just loved it.

    Preserving roses in gold?

    I have heard that there is a way to dip roses and other flowers on 24k gold on order to preserve them. I have found plenty of sites on the net where you can buy these gold roses, but i want to find a company that can do it to roses that i already have. i got married on the weekend and want to preserve the roses we used in our rose ceremony. Im in Australia by the way...

    Preserving roses in gold?
    Look for electroplating in the yellow pages. RScott

    choosing shoe horns

    What kind of flower is this?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of flower this is?

    I think it's a lilly, but I haven't found a match online for it yet. It might be of a different variety, and I'd like to know a specific name for it if possible.


    What kind of flower is this?
    That is a daylily (Hemerocallis), what cultivar is hard to know.
    Reply:I can't tell. The shot is too close to see other details.


    My wedding is on July 7th and I am in desperate need to order the wedding flowers.

    I was planning on have a trailing bouquet of peach lilies and orchids. The bridesmaids will have bouquets of peach lilies and the groom and groomsmen, orchid boutonnieres.

    My Mother in Law is horrified that the groomsmen will have the same flower in their boutonnieres as the groom, he is supposed to have a more "special" boutonniere with a different type of flower.

    Is this true? For simplicity, I would prefer all the boutonnieres to be the same, the groom's will be fancier, but all have the same flower.

    I can find almost no info on "boutonniere etiquette", does anyone know how it is generally done? What did you do for yours?

    Since all of the groomsmen (and the groom) are traditionally wearing tuxes, the Groom's bout tends to be made of white roses/flowers with accents in the same colors as the other flowers. Otherwise, all of the guys will look the same in their matching penguin suits. :-D

    I would suggest seeing if there are white orchids/similar flowers or going with an orchid with additional flowers so your groom's bout is noticeably different from the other guys.
    Reply:He should have something that stands out but it could be the same flower... If his is more detailed the problem solved. Don't stress - It's your day not Hers....
    Reply:What you are doing sounds like it would be fine. Flowers are really not meant to be that picky over, especially in planning a wedding. If you want to make his stand out a little more add some type of flower accent such as heather, baby's breath or ivy behind it to make it "fancier".

    Please stick to what you want to do, along with consulting your fiance. It should be your decisions, and your future mother in law will have to accept what the TWO of you want.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!
    Reply:Yes, the groom's should be different. My husband's had three flowers, while the groomsmen's had one. In your case, perhaps the groom should have an orchid, and maybe stephanotis for the groomsmen. Talk to your florist.
    Reply:My husband and the groomsmen all had the same flower... BUT my husbands had a little more to it, to make his stand out.
    Reply:Give your hubby an orchid %26amp; the gm peach lilies. That will be fine, and cheaper too.
    Reply:You are fine doing what you are doing. To make the grooms a tad bit different just add a little something to it or make it larger than the others. Both of my girls did just that. You are right to keep it simple and easy. Weddings can cause you to go crazy. Keep the flowers just as you have them.
    Reply:No, thats not true at all. Lots of weddinsg they guys all wear the same flower, mine did, in fact I cant recall a wedding where the groom didnt wear the same boutineer as the groomsman (I also dont ever remember really caring about their flower, its the girls flowers people look at). Your MIL is koo-koo-bats. Just smile and then do what you were going to do anyway.
    Reply:Your MIL is a freak.

    You should tie everything together...why make things stand out (such as your groom's flowers)? Just give him a bigger/fancier one...the groomsmen will have smaller and simpler ones.

    Tell your MIL to butt out...its your wedding....

    (BTW, I had EVERYONE wearing the exact same boutonniere and carrying the same bouquet, except that my bouquet was larger, and my groom's boutonniere was more elaborate).
    Reply:Technically he should have a different flower, but you are in luck. Orchids come in many different colors. Even peach. Speak to your local florist about this. They will help you with everything and help you make the right desison. You may want to put the groomsmen in peach lilys, small ones.
    Reply:You are right. Traditionally the groomsmen wear the same type of flower and the groom's either has two flowers or it is fancier. Congrats.'s not like you're going to have the same flowers as your bridesmaids, right? Maybe the groom would actually like a different flower. Ask him and see if he has a preference.

    If he wants the same one, or doesn't care either way, let your mother in law know that there are lots of different ways to pull of a beautiful wedding and that for your particular wedding, the men will all have the same flower, with different details for the groom.
    Reply:they do not have to be different she just wants her son to stand out and she should know he will because he is the one getting married

  • makeup products
  • What are the green pods left on the stem of the spent flower of the Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) plant. Seeds???

    If the green pods are seeds, how are they preserved for replanting? I purchased bulbs from a mail order company but have seen where seeds can be purchased for the Kniphofia plant, also.

    What are the green pods left on the stem of the spent flower of the Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) plant. Seeds???
    If the seed pods are left on the plant they should open to expose the seeds. Harvest at that time. Growing from seed takes a long time--why not divide the the clumps to increase your plants. Let them develop into 2-3 foot clumps cleaning out ratty leaves in the fall. You get the best flower show if left in place for several years. Although new strains are available as seed they may vary in color and quality.
    Reply:they sure are seeds but let them dry out a few weeks when the pod turns brown let them dry more.after you can shell out the seeds into a glass jar and plant next year
    Reply:Mine are seeds that are in the pod. Like the other one said, save them and replant if you want to. Good luck.

    Would love to have some good ideas for non-flower centerpieces, please.?

    Wedding next May (2009), so a springtime theme is in order, and I think I will be using dark pink as one of our colors.

    Would love to have some good ideas for non-flower centerpieces, please.?
    Big vases or glass hurricane lamps with large deep pink candles in them. You can put a few stones or metallic glitter around the candle in the vase and sprinkle some on the table as well to continue the theme.

    The visual effect is strong, the colours fit with your wedding colours and the light from the candles makes everything (and everyone) look great!

    Reply:i'm using pinecones and candles
    Reply:I just found this good web site, there arint any pictures but they give you a number of ideas. ranging from fruit to staues and nicknacks. Im not doing flowers for centerpeices but bottles and candles. I hope this helps you out a little.
    Reply:my best friend went to the craft shop and got thick pillar candles - she set them inside clear glass hurricanes and anchored them with river rocks. I think she spent $10 on each of them, and they were really pretty.
    Reply:for my wedding, which doesn't have an exact date yet, we're having fish as the centerpieces. the colors will match the wedding colors as well. so as far as i know, the fish will be a burgondy color, and possibly black.
    Reply:I used white table cloths and two different colored napkins on the tables. On top of the napkins, I put a glass candle thing that was 5 tea lights long.

    You have plenty of options- of course candles, but small picture frames with candid shots of you and your spouse would be different. I went to a wedding of a race car driver and they used little matchbox cars for the centerpieces. Of course there are the disposable cameras so other people can take pictures there, and the bubbles or whatever for party favors. Try and come up with something that is unique to your relationship or your interests.
    Reply:Try Edible Arrangement, They make floral like arrangement's from fruit. I had these at my wedding in Aug, 2007, the guest were completely fooled but the kids ate them up
    Reply:A few people already mentioned hurricane glasses with large candles. I think that's a great way to go.

    A whole page dedicated to non-floral centerpieces. Enjoy.
    Reply:I am creating my centerpieces with a blue pillar candle inside of a large hurricane glass. It has white sand, beautiful seashells, and white finger starfish on the inside to give it an extra pop to all the whiteness. It has a tiffany blue ribbon at the base and will have white and tiffany blue petals surrounding it. It cost me $15 for each piece for the materials, not $65 like what the vendor was trying to charge me..(for the same thing!!)
    Reply:Go to this article on non-floral centerpiece ideas.
    Reply:A cookies n' candy centerpiece maybe. Get cookie bouquets, chocolate kisses (buy at Easter and they'll have the pink foil on them), personalized MnM's and other colored candy Have the bouquet as the centerpiece and put the candy in small dishes or in the little fabric drawstring favor bags (one bag per guest). I'v seen the bags at Wal-Mart, Target and the dollar store, and they are pretty, not tacky.

    My wedding was very small, so when my kids and I went to the underground cavern on a road trip we bought chunks of raw amethyst and white quartz crystal from the gift shop and I incorporated those into my centerpieces (my colours were deep purple and silver-gray). It was very simple but the effect was beautiful.
    Reply:Get some tall glass jars and buy some lemons and spray paint them colors to correspond with your theme.
    Reply:I used large hurricanes, white pillar candles (because we couldn't find the right shade of pink), white and clear decorative rocks in the bottom, and i used pale pink and white swiss dot grosgrain ribbon on half and pink and white gingham ribbon on the other half around the small part of the hurricane. My candles were not quite tall enough (and the next size up was too tall) so I took some styrofoam discs and glued them to the bottom so they would be tall enough. The rocks covered the foam and it worked perfectly. I used tacky craft glue to attach the ribbon and I have since changed the ribbons and used them for lots of different occasions. I placed the hurricanes on square mirrors turned at an angle. I took white, light pink, and dark pink ribbon curls and scattered them around the hurricanes on the mirrors. They turned out absolutely beautiful! I bought my hurricanes on sale at AC Moore for just a few dollars a piece. The different prints on the 1 inch wide ribbon added interest without it being too busy since they were in the same colors and size prints. Good luck! Have fun!!!
    Reply:I'm placing a table mirror, pink votive, and scattering whitish pink rose petals around them. I don't have pictures yet, but it will look very beautiful.
    Reply:Put out low clear glass bowls with water and candles in them. You could add food coloring to color the water

    choosing loops

    What kind of plant is this?

    my sister ordered a plant that was supposed to be a magnolia tree no-way, it vines and has little purple flowers and in the middle is yellow, somebody said it was poisoness,

    What kind of plant is this?
    yeh,it is poisonous,its the dream flower fern leaf which is very fatal,if u accidently make it touch ur eye u can go blind!!and if u touch the nectar of it ur hand will itch terribly
    Reply:ya it is true

    take care of ur self
    Reply:maybe it it an animal
    Reply:On the description given the best I can GUESS is maybe Bignonia caprifoliata, Cross-vine. Without a better discription of the flower, leaves, and other parts a more accurate identification is not possible.

    Will my peanut plant grow?

    I planted raw peanuts following a garden book. However, I didn't have sandy soil or a proper flower pot to put it into. I just read recently in a different book that in order for the peanut to grow, the plant will have to dip into the soil; the reason for the sandy soil. If I planted it in thick soil, will it grow?

    Will my peanut plant grow?
    The peanut is a legume. Yes the "nuts" grow from the bent over "vines". not off root stock. They are not tuberous like potatoes. One plant is a growing experience and an educational tool. Under the best of circumstances, you won't get more than a handful or two, of nuts. Consider this to be fun, but not a peanut harvest.
    Reply:Here in Georgia the "peanut plant" prefers a "sandy loam" soil. It allows the peanut to expand easily instead of hard packed soil. Water can pass through this soil faster so not much trouble with rot. I took three years of FFA, Future Farmers of America in high school. We were taught that the peanut is not a nut but actually is a member of the "bean" family which falls into the "legume" catagory, beans, peas, etc.
    Reply:I did similar when I first tried to grow peanuts and results were ok but not great. Later I used regular garden soil mixed with ground peat from the garden shop and they did better.
    Reply:here are a few links that may help on your peanut situation,

    Hope these links will help you.
    Reply:It really depends on how thick your soil is. Peanuts, like potatoes, do grow under ground. The nuts are like growths on the root. If you have them in a pot, you may not get any if there isn't room for it to do it's thing. If they are in good friable (well worked) soil, you may still get some even though it isn't sandy. Good luck!
    Reply:If it's planted in clay soil (heavy and thick), it might grow, but it won't be happy. And you might not get it to make peanuts. It also needs full sun and a LONG growing season. And yes, when it gets mature, it drops "branches" down to the ground around the plant, and the "peanuts" grow underground there.

    They're a lot of fun.

    I need some marketing tip for a flowershop?

    we do wedding, funeral, arrangments..

    also, how can i attracts hotels ,offices,... to order their flowers to me

    I need some marketing tip for a flowershop?
    Well have you tried putting ads in the papers or on the Internet? Also if you have the money to spend you can order the flyer's that get sent out to everyone in an area to see what you have to offer instead of just Jack Johnson and his wife-to-be Sally. Also some floral shops deliver a free arrangement to hotels, offices, etc to encourage business and show what they offer....send brochures with these. Good luck the possibilities are endless, it just depends how much time and money you wish to put into it.
    Reply:How about restaurants????

    Talk to management, and offer them 1 week of free flowers for their tables with the "agreement" that a small "table card" be placed alongside them simply saying, "Flowers Courtesy of Beautiful Flowers Shoppe, 123 Merrie Lane, Olde London... phone"

    It's a win-win situation... the restaurant gets free table decor, you get "advertising" to the clientele, and maybe the restaurant will be so pleased, they will continue using your services... with or without the "table card."

    Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
    Reply:make a portfolio with prices and referrals and take it around to the different customers u want and sell ur self. and ur business

  • lush cosmetics
  • Do you know of any companies to order garden seeds online in India?


    I am looking for online sources that sell seeds (retail) for domestic garden use .... either an Indian company *or* foreign seed companies that send seeds to India with certificates for customs clearance.

    I am looking for both flowers and vegetables, and herbs and fruit seeds strawberries and raspberries.....

    It would be nice also to know where to find garden supplies like pots and hoses and hand tools. I know some companies sell such things, but I am not sure which ones sell within India itself.

    Do you know any such places?

    Thank you in advance for your kindness.


    Do you know of any companies to order garden seeds online in India?
    Do a google search for Namdeo Umarshi and Ratanshi Velji they are nurserymen in Mumbai who supply seeds, tools and garden supplies in general. Also try Pocha Seeds of Pune they used to supply by mail some years ago.


    What should i get my girlfriend for her birthday?

    i already got her an armani shirt, a bracelet, ugg boots, and i have flowers on order, but i wanted to get her something else... i need a female's advice.

    What should i get my girlfriend for her birthday?
    get her a big dildo for the replacement of the missing part on you.. take her to taco bell and remind her how lucky she has it
    Reply:man are you kidding me thats crazy. I was going to say flowers and a braclet or something like that but jeez you went all out.Are you taking her out to dinner Make sure you pay
    Reply:Buy her favourite perfume

    Plz suggest shopping site in Singapore?

    I want to send a buch of roses to my gf in Singapore. Please suggest me a few sites based in Singapore where I can order these flowers by making payment through credit card. I am based outside Singapore.Thanks guys

    Plz suggest shopping site in Singapore?
    Noel Gifts
    Reply:noel gifts ,last week my friend send me gift for my birthday ,he is based in delhi .check google too
    Reply:Noel is very popular here.
    Reply:Interflora is the most reliable way. my bf used to send me flowers while he is workin in states via this website. happy valentines day


    Michigan Bulb Co?

    Just wanted to know if this is a good place to order shrubs, trees, flowers, etc. The prices seem good, but I don't want to waste my money. Are there better mail order sites? Thanks

    Michigan Bulb Co?
    I ordered from them once, several of the plants died, did the "return" per their instructions and 20 years later still have not received credit or replacement plants.

    Have had great success with:;term=t...

    Karuth nursery, Seymore seeds, Territorial seed co.,
    Reply:For trees/shrubs, I like MUSSER FOREST located in PA. Plants come bareroot, though. I've had good luck with their plants with exception of 5 Service Berry trees which did not survive. Prices are reasonable. Report It
    Reply:They have a good reputation. I have purchased from them in the past and was pleased.
    Reply:If your looking for a bargain go some place else. They sell bulbs at a fabulous price. They don't tell you they are number 1 or even number 2 bulbs. The bulbs they sell are the bulbs other growers either throw away or keep growing for a few more years. All if not most of their plants are small. I spent a lot of money ordering items from them and they all died. They even shipped a replacement order that was already dead by the time I got it. Ask around or see what you get for answers from yahoo before spending your hard earned cash. I have had great results from Brecks Bulbs as they are shipped directly from Dutch Farms. I would recommend them to any one. Go online to see their catalogue
    Reply:for high quality bulbs direct from amsterdam, try: -- fall bulbs only

    Also, look at White Flower Farm--they have been in business for years--top quality and pricey, but you can dream here.

    I can also recommend Park Seed and Wayside Gardens--as mentioned in other posts, your local garden center is the best place to purchase annuals, perennials and shrubs.

    Be careful at the big box stores, as you'll find plants with limited root systems; just check before buying.
    Reply:I have ordered from them and Guerney's the price is right

    but plants are small.

    I have ordered from this company: and was very pleased with size and packaging

    Check out Costco too they have a bunch of bulbs right now selling for $14.99
    Reply:I was never really pleased with my purchases from them. I have found it much more appealing to buy from a local garden store or even Home Depot
    Reply:anytime you want to know about a website or company, check here before you buy....

    these are reviews from gardeners just like us who are either pleased or not pleased with the products or service.....

    this site could save you a lot grief or money!....

    (my own experience with Michigan Bulb was NOT good)
    Reply:You get what you pay for. a $1.99 plant is just that, a tiny plant barely rooted. Bulbs are also small. If you want something you can grow on and eventually have a nice size plant, and have lots of time and patience to wait for it, and don't want to pay much, that might be your place.

    However, there are so many many more good places to buy plants that are what they are advertised that I would not mess with Michigan Bulb.

    Try Van Bourgedein, Gurney, Henry Field, or if you want to get really good plants--but they are expensive--White Flower Farm or Wayside Gardens, or or Plant Delights. There are also many more in between. Just search for the plants you want on your internet search and come up with thousands of catalogs. All these are good:

    My husband is a great guy and a great father, but he's unromantic for the most part.?

    He knows enough to buy me something for my birthday/anniversary/holidays, but it's the same ol' thing every single time. It's like a knee-jerk reaction. He picks up the phone and orders flowers, not even roses, but carnations. He doesn't even think to have them sent somewhere that I can brag, they come to the house. And then that's it. That's it. Oh, except that he'll fish for compliments over and over and over again. It's not good enough that I tell him thanks and feign excitement. I've told him before that I need more from him. I need more romance, but every time he falls short. I'm really sad that he let my birthday pass with the same ol' crap. I don't want to speak to him. Am I over-reacting? What can I do?

    My husband is a great guy and a great father, but he's unromantic for the most part.?
    Oh, Honey....I feel your heart slowly hurts and is extremely disappointing however, no man can ever express that which he does not know. You have had a lot of good recommendations and suggestions and even some harsh criticisms....but, you know what? I believe if we truly want something we must first be willing to give it. So teach, teach and teach some more and hopefully within winds of time you will soon begin to see the baby development of that which you are trying to grow, romance. And one day you will walk out to your car and find post it notes covering the windows telling you how much you are his dream come true....because you know are God's dream come true and you must first realize that for yourself and determine to make your marriage that reality...a piece of heaven on earth...till death do you part. I pray that you will hear the love in this message and that it will bring you hope and even a little help...I know that if you want it, only you can make it happen. My best wishes to you and your new success in teaching the one you love how to love....remember you have the rest of your life to do!
    Reply:I am sorry to say but its perfectly normal. My Hubby is the same way but it doesn't matter to me at all. He is the best husband and father!!!

    Big deal that he sends carnations not roses.... he is thinking of you. More then a lot of women out there get..
    Reply:I know a lot of women who are married to ba$t%26amp;rds and cheaters that buy them lots of presents and cars, and are terrible husbands and worse fathers. You read about lots of them on this board. Maybe you can contact one of them and trade husbands.
    Reply:The Doc asks, are you romantic to him? Is it possiable he doen't know how. You should take him some where and show him what being romantic is all about. If it doesnt work then, kick him on his shin and tell him.

    Love %26amp; Peace.
    Reply:You are not over reacting. A man feels that if his wife is still his wife than he is doing something right. Some men feel that as long as they go to work every day and come home to you and the kids than what more can they do.

    I have a wonderful husband every day of the year except for my birthday (I get a card with cash, even though I have told him that cash isn't a gift), the same for mothers day and Christmas. I am the only one who wakes up without anything to open. It hurts, I have tried to explain it to him and he said I am spoiled. I don't know how I am going to get through Christmas this year knowing what is coming, nothing!

    My favorite gift last year over all the gifts from family members and friends was a coffee mug. A huge latte mug that is just perfect. My favorite lunch is my homemade soup and it is just perfect for it. My Dad put effort into that gift that cost less than $20 and that is why it means so much and my husband will just never get it.

    I have even thought of packing a bag and walking out Christmas night but I won't tear my kids from their home. I just wish that I could come up with something to wake him up.

    There are others like you out here and we understand. If you come up with anything that might help email me, OK?
    Reply:You are not over-reacting but know you are not alone, so many men are like this. If they were romantic once, they need to remember that and bring it back, but for some reason many men either don't have a clue or don't realize how-important it is to their spouse. You could try doing something very romantic with him and show him what you are talking about. Let him know for the 100th time how important this is to you, how it makes you feel.
    Reply:Wow. You are overreacting. If you don't like what he's getting you, give him a list of what you want. He's not a mind reader. If you keep telling him you like them and acting excited, of course he's going to keep doing the same thing.
    Reply:Think about all those things and ask yourself if you do anything for him as many times as his knee jerk reactions has prompted him to do nice things for you. it is a 2 way street and it seems to me that you're only concerned about whats coming your way.
    Reply:HI,,, No your not over reacting at all,,, you just tired of the same old crap over and over again and i am sure that you deserve much more than you are getting,,, You need to let him know how you feel and if that don't work then you need to do what you think is best ,,, you cant live like that ,,, its very depressing,,, maybe its time for a change ,,,you need to start fixing up your self in a different way,,, like color your hair a different color,, change your perfume,,, polish your toes and nails ,, just start to take really good care of your self ,,, and when he notice that ,,, then he should start giving you more attention,,, It is worth a try,,,

    I hope that everything goes well for you

    Good Luck

    Reply:Your not overreacting. Us women expect those sparks and fireworks all the time and its depressing when after years the sparks kind of go out. My husband is the same way. It is very depressing. I am just trying to learn to be my own bestfriend and not rely on anyone else buy myself for happiness. Buy yourself something to make you feel better. Take a nice, hot, relaxing bubble bath. Good luck.
    Reply:Wow, focus on his good qualities, not on the shortcomings. You can't have everything! Good guy and a great father? Do you know how lucky you are? Yes, we all want "more", there's always something that can be done better. But it's wise to appreciate what you have rather than getting stuck on what you don't have.

    Sorry, but I've had enough of the "romantic" b.s. with my ex. All this romance was worth nothing when he walked out to be with another woman. I appreciate the heck out of my husband who is loyal and works hard to provide for the family. The most romantic thing for me is to come home to a supportive and respectful husband.
    Reply:Many men were bought up to be tough and manly. Not lovers.

    This is how society has built barriers in many people.
    Reply:Well, why don't you want to speak to him? If you don't, he won't know what you want.
    Reply:Sounds like you are expected a ton. And frankly have you ever heard of positive reinforcement? Obviously not. He goes out of his way to get you flowers and all you have to say is that they are not even roses but carnations. Wow, how ungrateful can you be?

    Romance works both ways. What exactly have you done for him? That's what I thought, you seem really selfish and frankly I think your man can do a lot better. Anybody who calls themselves Princess is not only high maintence but clearly self absorbed as well.

    If what you want is roses, perhaps try to give in order to receive, I know it sounds like a unexplored territory with you but you have to start sometime or be alone forever. Guys and Girls can only take a one-sided street for so long.
    Reply:Don't be materialistic, If you know he love you and you love him that is all you need. The rest is nice but don't get down about it.
    Reply:I FEEL HIS PAIN! My wife tells me I am as romantic as a rock. My problem is, after six years I still don't know what my wife likes....she is soooooooooo picky and hates everyhitng (in my opinion)....are you too picky?????
    Reply:They can learn and even if you think it's hopeless, guess what...with effort and knowledge it can improve! You need to ask for what you want.

    Then get books w/ideas you like, highlight the ideas that really hit home with you, then let him read the books! :)

    The best thing is even if you don't feel excited, feign it...bc it will become more of a habit and feel natural eventually. He will feed off of your enthusiasm, and then gently introduce new ideas and themes. When he sees himself benefiting from the changes, he will start to initiate more!

    Likewise a wife can't read the mind of her husband, and I just point blank tell mine that if he wants something to let me know!

    It's amazing how some couples can carry resentments and grudges and secrets for years - it's not healthy. Strive to open the communication in positive ways.
    Reply:What are you doing to light the fire? Have you let yourself go? It may not all be him.
    Reply:Sit down and write him a nice sweet long love letter and explain to him how you feel and tell him that you do not expect him to do it every day but on certain holidays or special days if he be just little bit of a softy and do something that is romantic like flowers or a card every once in while just so that you know that he still has that magical feeling for you
    Reply:men are clueless and simple..... REALLY!!! we want what we want and even hint to them.... and maybe even tell them, but they still dont get it. sorry, and good luck.
    Reply:Feigning excitement is sending your husband the wrong message, and it isn't helping him know what will please you. Have you ever told him what you want or do you expect him to read your mind?

    People accept and express love in different ways. You two aren't speaking the same love language. Go to this website:

    Take the online quiz, but better yet get the book. It's inexpensive and a quick and easy read. It has worked wonders for other couples in the same boat as you. It truly can make a difference. Good luck!
    Reply:Most men don't understand romance or if they do they forget it once they say "I Do".

    You are going to have to re-teach him romance by romancing him. When is the last time you made him a romantic candlelight dinner with no kids around? Put on music and turned down the lights after dinner and just danced closely? Talk to him and tell him you miss romance and would like to have a date night every other week and then do it, go out on a real date a couple of times a month. Make out in the car and rekindle that flame...

    Good Luck

    Is it okay to send a man flowers??

    Okay I've been seeing this guy for a little while now. He's sent me roses twice now. The first time was a dozen red and just the other day it was a dozen white. Well I was kidding him about the meaning of the white roses so I did a little research on the meanings of the different colors. I decided to send him a dozen orange ones which is supposed to symbolize the passion and the changing of friendship to romance. He's a very romantic man but I'm hoping he won't be offended because I sent them to his work. I still have plenty of time to cancel the order but was just looking for others opinions. Please Help... I don't wanna look like an idiot!! lol

    Is it okay to send a man flowers??
    As a matter of fact, I applaud you for thinking of sending him flowers and then sending him the ones that match the relationship stage you guys now have .I hope a lot of women can learn from you and copy your actions as men also like a romantic girl the same way women want it in a man.Your "new" boyfriend will be the envy of his job and rush home to your arms after he gets off work the day he gets them. If he doesn't, he does not deserve a girl like you---PERIOD. But I suspect he will since he sent you two dozen roses already. More power to you guys.
    Reply:Great idea. He might be embarassed out work and "read you out" a bit, but he won't mean it.
    Reply:yes its fine.
    Reply:There is nothing wrong with sending flowers to a man. Keep the order and maybe schedule a dinner to go with it after he gets them. This shows him that he is not the only one trying in the relationship and that you think of him as often as he thinks of you.

    Girlfriend didnt wanna hangout today, even though sundays are our set day we hangout no matter what...?

    ok so heres the deal. me and my girlfriend use to hangout everyday, It felt great to see her and be with her. but latley she is friends with her bestfriend who she was fighting with for a loooong time. now that shes back i can only see her every other day. we went to the mall friday, and she told me that we would hangout sunday, and sunday is our day. so she goes to the beach saturday, and then i get a random fone call saying hey im hanging out with my friend tommarrow. she didnt even ask if it was ok, she didnt consider my feelings at all. prior to that day she said she hates people who dont keep there promises. she knows shes wrong for ditching me, and acts like its not a big deal. IDK wat to do, i ordered flowers to her house saying sorry cus we kinda got into a fight. I just wanna make her feel the same way as me, I wish she felt as empty as i did when im not with her. I really want her to feel my pain and call me and beg me to come over. what are some ways i can do this?

    Girlfriend didnt wanna hangout today, even though sundays are our set day we hangout no matter what...?
    You sound more like the girlfriend to me. Give her some space and explore parts of your life that doesn't involve her. Your clinging will only drive her away.

    Here are some RED FLAG terms you've used:

    "hang out everyday"

    "Sunday is our day"

    "random fone call"

    "she didn't ask"

    "she didn't consider my feelings"

    "she knows shes wrong"

    "she acts like"

    "I wanna make her"

    "I wish she felt as empty as I did"

    "want her to feel my pain"

    "call me and beg me"

    Damn dude, as I spell this out I'm wishing I had her email address to warn her about you. Grow some balls and start acting like a man. STOP BEING A PUSS! You are acting like a little school girl. Grow up.
    Reply:Being cloying and cling-y is no way to start any day...Give her some space!!!!

    A flower cannot grow under a rock...and people need air and freedom to choose their movements.

    It sounds like you're sucking the life out of this relationship...time to step back!!!
    Reply:well emm this is a bit evil but it mite work

    make an date and be like late say u got caught up at work or something then make sure u get a phone call from a work mate and leave early say its a work thing eventually she should want u like crazy
    Reply:if you really love her that much why the hell would you want her to suffer your pain. just tell her your pain so it won't be just screaming at each other. then maybe things would work out.

    good luck!
    Reply:Your love has lost its sparkle...

    If you do something too often, its likely its going to get boring... do something new!

    P.S. I feel so mean.
    Reply:She's getting bored with you buddy xxxxxxx
    Reply:dude.... let her have some space....or you wont have her at all
    Reply:she like some one else!!!
    Reply:dude dont send flowers and things thats just lame give her a little space she can do what she wants
    Reply:she might just need some time to sort things out... i mean if you are fighting with a friend that can really break you down, she was probly so excited she had her friend back, i don't think she meant to diss you, i mean she did, but she probly didn't think of it like that...for a girl(being one myself) her friends are like her net when she falls, depending on when she got her friend back, give her about a week then bring it up to her that you are glad she got her friend back but, you wish you two were spending alittle more time together

    hope it gets better...
    Reply:ok just be relax. maybe she feels soooo excited with what happened between her and her friend recently. they're all in good condition, is it?

    you're soo kind and nice boyriend. she should be glad having you in her life.

    but this is IMPORTANT! plsss do not take this as a revenge!

    just let it be. what bygone is bygone. just face to face and tell what you feel.%26lt;33
    Reply:ok heres the deal,

    your girlfriend is her own person and has to have her own life,

    the reality is if u wanted to be ain a serious relationship you won't and cant spend every second with her,

    she has other friends and needs to spend time with them,

    speak to her and ask her to keep to her promises because its hurting you and u feel as if she prefers her friend.

    if she loves you, she loves you.

    you have to trust her.

    hope this helps
    Reply:did u tel her how u felt wen she cancelled ur plans, y dont u sit and talk 2 her, its the only way to solve this, tell her u dont feel good being left out, honestly if she really loves and cares 4 u she will try make time 4 u, no matter what, u come first, friend comes second if its really love that u feel 4 each other..If she keeps on making time for her friend n not u thn u shuld think again..
    Reply:Well the best thing you can do is to have dinner with her and then talk to her. Don't complain how she's always hanging out with her best friend. Just tell her I feel left out and when I'm not with you I miss you. Tell her how you feel hurt when she does these things and explain to her it is not to make her feel guilty but just to let her know how you feel. You want her to know that you're hurting the best way to let her know is just to tell her. At least you'll know how she feels too
    Reply:OK, first of all, she doesn't have to ASK to do anything with you. Get that through your head before you go any further with your rant.

    And I don't care how much you Effing love her, friends always come first in a relationship, especially if it's one she's trying to repair. Respect that and give her some space.

    Next, she didn't DITCH you - she let you know ahead of time that she wasn't going to hang out with you today. It's not DITCHING if she had enough respect for YOU to call and say "Hey, something's come up, I'm sorry, DEAL!!"

    She probably DOES hate people who break promises, but can you whole heartedly tell me that the two of you PROMISED each other that from now on you would always hang out on sundays, that it would be only YOUR day??

    If there are some prior problems existing between you two, you need to straighten them out, or just get the hell out - because if you're bothered by a girlfriend who goes to see a friend? Then buddy, I wouldn't want to see you if I were her, and I'm sorry if that's harsh, but it's true.

    You obviously feel guilty if you sent flowers - TALK TO HER, if she doesn't want to talk, SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK!! You're sick if you want her to come BEGGING to you.

    Suck it up, and when she's ready to TALK, she'll TALK!
    Reply:i know exactly what your going thru. But maybe this is a good thing for your relationship. if you love your girlfriend, you cant be overprotective of her, you need to give her some type of room to hang out with her friends. I know its easier said then done, especially when you are used to her being there all the time. but how is she going to miss you if you guys are always together? just think about it that way. Dont show her your weakness because women dont like that. the time you spend away from her, use it wisely, hang out with friends. play sports. just go and have fun.

    hope this helped

    can anyone help me with my problem?

    heres the link;...

    internet explorer 7

    Would a gift certificate for a cleaning service be a good Valentine's Day gift?

    I wanted to get the opinion from some women of what they thought of this gift idea. Would it be insulting or welcomed if you got a gift certificate from your husband to have a service like Merry Maids or who ever to come into your home to do a one time whole house cleaning service? I already have reservations for dinner and a babysitter lined up and I have already ordered flowers to be delivered to her office, so this is in addition to that. Or should I stick to jewelry?

    Would a gift certificate for a cleaning service be a good Valentine's Day gift?
    that is an awesome idea. women need a break or a day to relax and valentines day would be the perfect day to do so. I love your idea, i wish more guys were like you! not only do i like that part but the flowers deleverd to her office, the dinner and the babysitter. wow what could go wrong??? NOTHING. it sounds perfect, definently do that. it will be a valentines day to remember.

    P.S always remember that most girls dont just want material things. well i think you already know that. GOOD LUCK
    Reply:At first I was going to say no. But since she expressed an interest...why not. She may like it and desire for a professional cleaning every few months tho. But that is an automatic built in gift for everything else!
    Reply:I would LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE that. All you have to say, is that you want to free up your time together, so you both had more leisure time! My husband would love that gift as much as I would...
    Reply:I think it's a great idea. Not all gifts have to be romantic in nature. It definetly shows you're thinking of her. And, really, what's more romantic than that? =)
    Reply:Hm, would your wife be bothered by someone touching all the stuff in the house? My mom would flip out if someone came in to clean and she would be insulted thinking someone was calling the house dirty (which it is, she only cleans when people come over and that's maybe once a month). The rest of the gift sounds very nice though.
    Reply:umm, i think you should have the cleaning service go to it while you and your wife are out :O) you don't have to get her jewelry, thats pretty expensive if your already dishing out money... I say gather a bunch of pictures and go to this website below. They make wonderful books. You write in captions and send pictures and they make a beautiful book out of it. My relatives went to europe and made a book out of their pictures and its so beautiful and looks professionally done! They picked a large size and it was just so cool! It's hardback and the colors are amazing :O)
    Reply:An absolute great idea, I gave it to my wife a year or so ago and she loved it. Not only was it thoughtful but it helped her out to. She got to rest. Honestly how mush jewelery or candy does a woman need. A good clane house is the best way to go.
    Reply:As long as it isn't the only present I'm sure the maid service would be welcomed. Maybe, so it isn't taken the wrong way, you could also suggest a day away from the home (maybe the both of you?) at a local spa while the house is being cleaned. What you have arranged already sounds really sweet and as long as the angle is more focused on her having a break and not pointing out that she keeps a messy house it'll be appreciated.
    Reply:as long as your wife isn't funny about strangers in the house, it's a great idea! I would love for somone to clean my house top to bottom!
    Reply:stick with the jewlery, u can never go wrong with jewlery. DO NOT, get her a gift card to a cleaning service.

    What are some good things for Valentines day that are sweet but have nothing to do with the commercialization?

    Last year I ordered flowers but I did not feel like it was a good thing to do since everyone does that. Besides that they were four times what they would normally be. I know my fiancee knows I love her and I told her I would rather not celebrate that day because it feels like we are being forced to show love and buy expensive things which I am totally against. I feel love is just that,love. It is not something shown with material objects. I always do things for her and make little notes and what not but I do not want to give into the commercialization of valentines day. So I guess Im looking for something out of the ordinary that is not commercial. Any suggestions?

    What are some good things for Valentines day that are sweet but have nothing to do with the commercialization?
    I got a poem/letter from my hubby last year for Valentines day. He wrote stuff in it that were personal for him/me in the past 17 years together and it was really sweet. I kept it on my computer desk for a long time. He made it into a heart shape and put it on a piece of paper. I enjoyed it for a long time.
    Reply:a love letter - I would LOVE that!!

    Are bridesmaids supposed to enter the church after the page boy and flower girl and before the bride?

    Or is the order of entrance usually different?

    Are bridesmaids supposed to enter the church after the page boy and flower girl and before the bride?
    I direct weddings and this is the proper order

    1st - groomsmen (if you want them to process)

    2nd - junior bridesmaids if having

    3rd - bridesmaids (from shortest to tallest *excluding MOH)

    4th - Maid/Matron of Honor

    5th - ring bearer

    6th - flower girls (if you only have 1 flower girl she can enter with the ring bearer)

    7th - the bride

    8th - train bearers if your train is long enough (don't do it if your train isn't the proper length or it will just look silly)

    Hope this has been helpful.
    Reply:The bridesmaids go up the aisle first, in reverse order.

    The page boy and flower girl go right before the bride.
    Reply:bridesmaids then maid of honor then the ring bearer then the flower girl.... who sprinkles petals for the bride.
    Reply:i think its maid on honor then bridsmaids, then the flowergirl/ring bearer, then the bride. you move from the inside out
    Reply:The bridesmaids enter first, then the maid of honor, page boys and / or flower girls are just before the bride. However. it is your wedding.... you can pretty well do as you please.
    Reply:They are supposed to enter when you want them to
    Reply:Bridesmaids walk first, then the Maid of Honor and the the ring bearer and flower girl typically together. The bride is last
    Reply:I think bridesmaids are 1st, then ring bearer, then flower girl, who spreads the petals for the bride to walk on.
    Reply:In my experience as a videographer, Bridesmaids first, then ring bearer, then flower girl then maid of honor then you.

    sometimes they do bridesmaids then maid of honor then the ring bearer then the flower girl.
    Reply:Bridesmaids and Groomsmen enter before the flowergirl /ring bearer.

    The flowergirl is the one who enters right before you, she sets up ur grand entrance.

    Hope ur wedding day is fab, like mine was a year ago.

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  • Has anyone ordered from The Flower before?

    I'm helping my friend's wedding flowers. Has anyone ordered from The Flower before? or other online flower wholesale? Thank you.

    Has anyone ordered from The Flower before?
    I've heard great things about this company:
    Reply:i am a florist, and have dealt with many brides in tears and panic over what arrived

    i think it's too risky for such a special occasion

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    Put this sentence in order.....?

    grew Five Mike's flowers planter

    ( watch those capitals)

    Put this sentence in order.....?
    Mike's planter grew five flowers


    Five flowers, Mike's planter grew.

    (that one uses the capitals correctly)

    or, if you assume someone has the nickname Five Mike:

    Five Mike's planter grew flowers.
    Reply:Five flowers Mike's planter grew.
    Reply:Five flowers Mike's planter grew.

    Mother's Day Flowers?

    I'm about to order fowers for my mother for mother's day. I need some opinions on which heart looks the best out of these 4. Which one looks the best to you?

    These are ones I've taken the past 4 years.

    Mother's Day 2004

    Mother's Day 2005

    Mother's Day 2006

    Mother's Day 2007

    Mother's Day Flowers?
    I like both 2006 and 2007. I too am sorry for your loss, I miss my mother more and more all the time.
    Reply:Forget about the previous years flowers, Check out for this Mother's Day 2008 -
    Reply:I think 2007 and 6 look the best. So sorry for... You know! That happened just 2 months ago.... :(
    Reply:sorry for your loss, i think 2006 looked pretty good.

    How to get rid of pop-ups?

    I was able to get rid of the Oinadserver popups that plagued my Windows XP, but now popups from a different source keep coming up and of course they're really annoying. My anti-virus programs--AVG, PestPatrol and Ad Aware--don't seem to recognize the problem. I'm also afraid that there's spyware in there too, because if I do a search on (for example) flowers, the ad will mention something about ordering flowers in its title. And like I said, my anti-virus programs don't recognize the problem. please help!

    How to get rid of pop-ups?
    Your machine is infected. Pop-ups are mostly caused by adware, spyware, and other malicious and unwanted software and using pop-up blocker won't help an infected PC. No single program can detect and eradicate all spyware and I recommend using Ad-aware and Spybot (they are free). Other great free anti-spyware programs would be Super anti-spyware and AVG anti-spyware (formally Ewido).

    Running these programs in Safe Mode (tap F8 as the computer boots up and choose to boot to safe mode) can be more effective.

    If you do not have an updated anti-virus program always running, you need to get one. Install only one, but you can get AVG, Avast! or AntiVir for free.

    I strongly recommend using FireFox, it's a far better and safer alternative to Internet Explorer. If you add-on McAfee SiteAdvisor, it will warn you of potentially harmful sites. I also recommend CCleaner which is a free system optimization and privacy tool.
    Reply:Close internet explorer and do the following:- start....control panel......internet options........ (under) general........delete, delete all ........ (check) also delete files and settings stored by add-ons...........then (yes). Next..........control panel..........add/remove programs............look for any unusual programs and uninstall. Next.......restart (F8) repeatedly before the computer's logo appears..........use up and down arrows to select (safe mode) press (enter)...........then after the desktop appears and finish a scan with your anti-virus and spyware removal programs............then restart your computer normally! Hope this helps!!
    Reply:In internet explorer, click on tools, internet options, security, restricted sites, sites, type in, and click add to restrict the website. Also look in add/remove programs for any apps it might have installed, and remove them. Hope this helps...
    Reply:You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and
    Reply:ur computer is infected by spyware/adwares/malwares, these spyware and adwares r used by web masters to advertise thier website using trojans, when ur pc is infected, trojans will show pop ups in ur pc and alert messages, dont b worried, u can easily get rid of spywares and adwraes by using any free spyware removal or adware killer tools,u can download spyware killer and adware removals tools from the google link below
    Reply:I hope you are not running more than one active virus tool, this causes conflict and reduces security. I have looked at pestpatrol and am not impressed. You could try Spyware Doctor through the Google updater, or AVG free anti-spwyare. Also if you install the Google toolbar it has the most effective popup blocker going. Uninstall any toolbars other than Google, Yahoo and MSN. Most of them are open doors to junk. Also remove any internet optimisers or search assistants. These are mainly spyware related. After you have run updated scans use ccleaner.exe to clean up the machine, including the registry.
    Reply:Firefox with adblock plus.

    Spyware/Adware removal:


    Ad-Aware 2007 Free


    General cleanup remove cookies and more:


    All free.

    Available @ my blog.

    So many companies trying to make money by selling you products to keep your computer safe and clean, all of which are freely available.

    Hope this helps.

    About how many flower petals would a flower girl need to throw as she walks down the aisle?

    on ebay you can by them by the 100 and the aisle is not very long. to anyone who has gotten married before and done this, about how many orders do you think i should place if they come in 100?

    About how many flower petals would a flower girl need to throw as she walks down the aisle?
    1 or 2 boxes at most.

    less is always more.

    the real key is to make sure the flower girl equally distributes them on the aisle. not that its a big deal, but if they're spread equally, they will last longer, and you won't be halfway down the aisle and outta flowers.
    Reply:two boxes should be plenty.
    Reply:In my experience, the younger the flower girl is then the more petals she should have in her basket. Little bitty girls either toss a LOT of them around with no firm concept of evenly scattering them or they hardly throw any. Just in case, it's better to order two boxes and be sure the petals are separated well in her basket.

    An older girl of 5 yrs and up can grasp the idea of evenly and more deliberately scattering the petals but I would still order two boxes. Better safe than sorry.

    Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! : )
    Reply:We are giving our girl 3 boxes of petals in her basket. We want to let her put down big fistfuls. She's never gotten to toss petals as a flowergirl before, and so we're giving her the chance to really go for it whole enchilada.

    If she still has some when she gets down the aisle, she can toss 'em back up the aisle at the end as we're all leaving too. There's nothing to say she has to empty the basket, but pity if she runs out of petals halfway down the aisle!
    Reply:it depends on how old your flower girls are, younger girls will throw bigger handfuls. older (around 5-8) will probably do as they are told, and so you could get away with two boxes.

    business loan
  • cargo
  • Girls, women, me out here?

    there is this girl I like and she likes me but she is holding back because she is recently out of a divorce and i;m out of long term relationship my we are not rushing into anything ....just good friends for now

    I want to send here a message for v-day where I dont confess love or ask her to be my valentine ...I dont want to be pushy but I do not want just sit back and do nothing

    so here is what I had in mind

    "not sure what to say

    today is a fine day

    hope I'm not over the line

    but I'm glad you a friend of mine

    have a splendid v-day ~hugs~"

    would you add something else to it?

    and dont slam me because I;m sending a txt message

    I'm a busy person and I'm out of town constantly ....even this entire week....and ordering flowers or sending gift would be to over the top

    besides we txt each other a lot so i think its not in bad taste

    Girls, women, me out here?
    It doesn't sound pushy at all. It's actually kinda sweet. It just might be the thing to brighten her day.
    Reply:yea that poem seems fine and not pushy at all... i would try maybe something that doesnt express that your trying to not be pushy "to over the line,..." and maybe something that shows how you want to remain friends ALWAYS to get your feelings int he picture
    Reply:i think its great no i would not change anything,and you have a splendid v-day as well
    Reply:b clear in ur question
    Reply:txting is OK but the whole rhyming thing is so lame sounds like something off of a cereal box or something

    Reply:I think the peom is fine.


    It is a long story, but basically I asked peopleon yahoo answers for an idea for a "grand gesture" for someone I recently met at college. I had one chosen and I almost fully arranged it, I bought movie tickets, ordered flowers and chocolate, everything. Then in french today I found out she already has a boyfriend!

    It seems like they have been together a while, but she barely talks about him, I only found out today and I have been listening really hard for romantic ideas.

    Basically I need to know what to do next? do I try and forget all about it, ask her out anyway (knowing the damage it could cause to us and them), stay close and wait incase they split up or what? I really need help.

    she has a boyfriend you should step back, dont try and make her leave if shes not happy in her relationship shell end it when shes ready. if your ment to be with her it will happen dont force it that will just hurt it!
    Reply:If she goes on a date with you while she already has a boyfriend, you would have to ask yourself is she the person you really want.

    Look around, live your own life, and then in time, if you hear she is single again and you are still interested, go for your romantic gesture, if you still feel that way inclined.
    Reply:Ask her out anyways!!
    Reply:hi i think its cheesy that she did not mention that she had a boy Friend in conversation . when i have a boyfriend i always mention it.I do this casually out of courtesy unless the conversation only revolves around business. I don't suggest you wait around . Keep shopping if she comes around she does . I hope you get a girl that mentions you often so you don't find your self in the other mans shoes! Well wishes romantic man seek on!
    Reply:That's p***** on your parade.Give em to the college bike at least you'll get your leg over!
    Reply:Forget about her and open your mind to others at college.

    Meet people and have some fun and if you meet someone special than thats a bonus x x
    Reply:Don't ask her out if she has already got a boyfriend that's just wrong. If they split up in the future then its cool to try it on with her. Leave her been my son and dabble the other talents that are on offer.

    Or just get her drunk?
    Reply:sometimes waiting is teh hardest thing to do just ask her how her relationship with him is cuz she dosent seem to talk about him that much and see what happens
    Reply:forget it,, freeze the chocolates, take a friend to the movie, send the flowers to your mother
    Reply:wait 4 a while,if they're still together i'm afraid u have to move on.but dont find another girl untill ur comletly over this one,so u wont hurt the other.

    good luck
    Reply:How would it cause any damage if you asked her out? If she's in a committed relationship with her boyfriend she'll say no. If she says yes, then you'll know she's not serious about her current boyfriend. Simple. Just ask her out for a casual date and see what happens. I think you're making too much of this. You're in college now and need to move beyond the high school theatrics.
    Reply:Find another girl that you like and ask her out. Salvage it as best as you can.
    Reply:If she has a boyfriend you need to move on.
    Reply:Dilemma.. damned if you do damned if you dont.

    Sometimes, we see what we want to see and dont hear the things we should hear.

    Freinds is always best. Be here friend and see where that takes you.

    Dont get your heart broke, when it does not need to be broken.

    She has a boyfriend, its best not too mess around with someone who is already involved. If you like her, you will let her relationship be and not be selfish over what you want.

    A good guy is the one who listens. You sound like a sweet guy who just got his signals mixed up. Put it down to experience.

    Your mom or sister or aunt or grandma can do the chocolates and the flowers.. The movie tickets, exchange them for a boy movie and take a mate.

    Hope this helps
    Reply:forget about it.
    Reply:Start "observer mode". After few weeks U will have some answers.
    Reply:erm she lied to you and cheated on him - dont you think that says something about the type of person she is?/

    forget her and find yourself a girl worth having. xx
    Reply:You're obviously a sweet guy, going to all that trouble for this girl. Stay good friends with this girl and encourage her to talk about her relationship. If she's not talking about him much, there may be trouble in paradise, so given time it's likely they'll break up and your friendship could become something more.
    Reply:There is no harm in telling her how you feel, however, I wouldn't persue her. Would you want another dude persuing her if she were your girlfriend? Once you tell her how you feel, it's kind of up to her whether or not there is a next step.
    Reply:I would forget about her and get on with your life because you could be waiting forever for her to separate.
    Reply:Cut your losses, take the chocolates home and eat them yourself and cheer yourself up by pretending she sent you the flowers. Confused? I'll bet.

    Kittana help me with this one....?

    So that girl I met in Asia, I don't like her like I did before simply because I don't see her. I did call her back after all those missed calls; she sounded happy to hear from me, but annoyed that I missed her calls.

    I don't know how to tell her to only be friends because my knowledge of the language isn't that great, and telling somoene you want to be friends is hard enough to be sensitive, but it'll be really hard when you might say the wrong things and not know it.

    Worst of all, I really did like her while I was there; but reality is I can't wait for her, so on my second last day there, I ordered flowers to be sent to her, which should arrive in two days, with a message saying "I miss you". am I suppose to do?

    Kittana help me with this one....?
    This is truly complicated as this girl has got way too much involved with u then u'd have anticipated. U sending her flowers and saying " I Miss You" was a good gesture which u tried to convey to her by sending her flowers...but this complicates the situation all the more.

    It's always too hard to be sensitive and more so when u have to put limits onto any relations it gets more complicated but being straightforward and open with utter honesty is the only key to it it makes or breaks the relations but atleast u don't let the other person live an illusion.

    Do one thing the next time she calls ask her if shez fallen in love with u, If she says yes then tell her that, U really like her as a friend and that due to the vast distance between u two it's not possible for u to dwell on a strong emotion like love. Since Love has to be reciprocated from both the ends to end up in a healthy relationship. Maybe u can explain to her how Infatuation works. Advice her how much difficult it is for u to feel her hurt, if at all u did hurt her, say to her it wasn't intentional but it was simply " I Like U So Much as a friend " gesture. So liking and loving are 2 different aspects altogether. Tell her she is a amazing girl and that u were happy to have made a good friend out of her since u were practically a stranger in Asia, but the feelings end there only. Try being honest and keep calm coz she may have a reaction or two but it's a difficult thing. Explain to her how useless it is when only one person loves while the other doesn't reciprocate it's no use but instead advice her to find somebody who really loves her. I think this event in her life will teach her a good but hard lesson of life. Everyone of us learn it the hard way but it's an experience we can't overlook.

    I don't know to wat extent ur relationship went Chigga, I mean was there anything physical between u two? if so then it makes it all the more complicated.

    Emotional people are very vulnerable and they tend to break internally to a very large extent then the practical ones. This girl plain tells how much emotional she is and truly must be a very good person at heart.

    U'd have to observe how she reacts in the coming days if she keeps on calling u and gets emotional then prolly it'd be better to avoid her calls even after u've told her how u feel. But if she takes it positively and says she'd remain just a friend to u then go on and keep up the friendship but if i think correctly she may not contact u for just friendship. I dunno it's a possibility. Don't worry all will be ok and with days passing by things will come to some normalcy but u have to be honest with ur feelings.
    Reply:I sure hope u both remain good friends and wat u say it true but then emotions are wild horses not everyone can understand at times till explained in clear terms. Report It

    Decor for a museum wedding?

    The reception site is a natural history museum, which means it is already packed with stuffed birds, moose, and other interesting natural midwestern wildlife to look at. I can't figure out what kinds of flowers, decor, etc would go well with this theme -- I want to highlight -- not overshadow -- the museum look. But I also don't want it to look like a hunting lodge.

    I don't really have any strong preferences with regard to flowers and centerpieces and other decor. BUT, I do want my reception to look good. Essentially, I like the stuff I see in magazines, but I want something that fits with my reception site.

    Is this the sort of situation where I should hire someone to tell me what would look good? I'm on a really tight budget, so I'd been planning on just ordering flowers, etc, and doing my own decorations.

    Any suggestions? What would work with this space? Something elegant but nerdy....

    It's hard to see here, but here are some pics!

    Decor for a museum wedding?
    You can still have flowers! Do like I did (even if it's a tiny bit shady). Go see florists and talk with them about the space. Get their reccomendations and then tell them the budget and see if they can work with you. You'll actually be surpised what you can afford. If you cant....not harm no foul. You still have some great flower reccomendations.

    I'd keep them casual. Wild flowers, sunflowers....etc. You could still go with the usual roses if you wanted but given the naturalness of the surroundings that might be too formal.
    Reply:my reception is at a cabin, and instead of big floral arrangements, we're going to have branches sitting in pretty pots, and then have tiny lanterns hanging from them, and maybe a few flowers here and there. i've seen it in several magazines, in one, they had paintined the branches white and it was gorgeous!
    Reply:Find some really cool vases, ikea is great for good prices, and get bunches of alstroemerias, I know in Ca you can get these in teh grocery stores in bunches for like $3. They are colorful and earthy and will go well with the museum atmosphere. Here is a picture of them:
    Reply:i have heard that if you tell a caterer or a florest that the arangements are for a wedding/ reception, that they jack up the prices. i would say just shop around, or you can go to a local craft store and buy silk flowers, i know someone who did this once, unfourtuneatly i was away and did not get a chance to see her wedding, but she was on a tight buget as well and that seemed to work well for her. plus! after the wedding, you can use them to deccorate your home. congrats on your wedding, and i hope you stay happy :-)
    Reply:talk to a really good Florist....or see who has the best may have to pay plenty for something really great...

    Teeth Problems

    Flowers For Mother's Day?

    I'm about to order fowers for my mother for mother's day. I need some opinions on which heart looks the best out of these 4. Which one looks the best to you?

    These are ones I've taken the past 4 years.

    Mother's Day 2004

    Mother's Day 2005

    Mother's Day 2006

    Mother's Day 2007

    Flowers For Mother's Day?
    i like the ff:

    Mother's Day 2004

    Mother's Day 2006


    they are really good. you are sweet for always remembering the special day for mother.
    Reply:I like one, you really brought tears to my eyes, because I lost my mom too. You are wonderful. I am sure she would love them all.

  • sunscreen
  • My wedding could be cancelled we need to pay $300 by tomorrow at 10 am central time at the flower shop if ...?

    we dont pay the order of flowers the order is cancelled. We dont have the money the thing is we already sent out the invitations and we dont have an idea what to do. Any suggestions on how to get the money by tomorrow or now early morning?

    My wedding could be cancelled we need to pay $300 by tomorrow at 10 am central time at the flower shop if ...?
    Why would you cancel your wedding over some flowers being absent? Yours would not be the first or last wedding to happen with no flowers or the bride carrying a few blossoms from her mother's garden.

    But if you just can't get married without the flowers, go to a title loan company and hock your car if you can't borrow it from a family member or friend, or gather up 150 CDs or DVDs and take them to a pawn shop...going rate is two dollars each for music and 3 dollars for movies.
    Reply:You're going to cancel the wedding because of $300? Because you won't have flowers? Probably just as well because obviously you and your fiance are not mature enough to get married, nor are you two financially stable enough to handle the responsibilities.
    Reply:just remember that the flowers dont make the wedding! if you dont have flowers but have everything else, it can still be a lovely ceremony.

    Maybe a pawn shop
    Reply:I think maybe you should downsize your wedding. Do something smaller that you can afford. You should not start your new married life together in debt.
    Reply:Forget the flowers! It won't ruin your wedding!

    But in future, you should visit this website so you are more prepared.
    Reply:Don't panic! If you live in an area that has nice weather year round go and pick fresh flowers ASAP. If you don't then you need to visit a florist and ask for the old or unsaleable flowers. Most florist will give you these at a very low cost or even for free. Now if push should come to shove then the Bride should carry a beautiful arrangement and everyone else should walk as is. Don't worry about the lack of flowers around the church or hall because most people will be to busy looking at you and the wedding party to notice. It's your day and you should have it all your way, but don't let uncontrollable things get in the way of one of the happiest days of your life. Good Luck and congratulations.
    Reply:Can you go to a check cashing place, where they hold your check for 2 weeks? How about asking a relative, I'm sure some one would help you or at least pitch in They wouldn't want to see your wedding ruined. you may be able to ask the flower shop to hold your check for you. I hope this helped, And I hope everything works out for you !
    Reply:How about making your own flowers, keep it simple. if your having attendants have them carry a single flower,use silk. buy a single silk flower of your choice and buy some ribbon to make a bow on the stem.

    you can carry simple bouquet, take a bunch of flowers and wrap the ribbon around the stems to make it one.

    just improvize, I understand about how fast money goes when planning a wedding, I am actaully in the same boat your in, and am finding everyway I can to cut corners and still have a awesome wedding.

    Good Luck!! Congrats!!!!
    Reply:You should skip the wedding, especially if you can't even afford 300 dollars. Elope, besides you already got the baby to prove your love, and it sounds like you could use the money you save on your wedding to pay for diapers or condoms.
    Reply:Explain your dilema to the florist maybe they can give you an extension.

    It would be stupid to cancel a wedding over a flower cancelation. If they do cancel it go to a craft store when you get the money and buy silk flowers and tie them together with really nice silk bows and carry them or buy live flowers like Lillys and carry them.

    If you want to save money dont buy flowers for the cake table cause you can use your bouquets to decorate it after the wedding. YOu could always use baloons and candles as decorations in place of decorative flowers.

    You can buy cheap baskets from craft stores and pre tied bows and then place stemmed roses in them and set them on tables or throw confetti on tables and have a $1 store candle in the middle of the table and dress it up with a silk ribbon bow or some decorative bow.

    If you are trying to decorate chairs with flowers for reserved seating, check Ebay they have nice pew bows that work on any type of chair or just buy a pre tied bow and a silk flower and hot glue the floral part of the flower in the middle (cut the stem), or use tulle its very pretty.
    Reply:i agree with Kari, flowers dont make the wedding. But my questions to you is, why are you having a big wedding if you cant afford it? This is a big event, if you cant afford something extravigant, dont do it big. You can always have silk flowers from a craft shop, that you can put together that you can keep as a rememberance of the big day.
    Reply:Step 1. Remove your head from your A$$

    Step 2. Stop the wedding.

    Step 3. Maybe go EARN some money during the time you're spending online begging for it.
    Reply:i am sorry but are you trying to solicit money for your wedding on yahoo?

    Today is v-day....should I send this message?

    there is this girl I like and she likes me but she is holding back because she is recently out of a divorce and i;m out of long term relationship my we are not rushing into anything ....just good friends for now

    I want to send here a message for v-day where I dont confess love or ask her to be my valentine ...I dont want to be pushy but I do not want just sit back and do nothing

    so here is what I had in mind

    "not sure what to say

    today is a fine day

    hope I'm not over the line

    but I'm glad you a friend of mine

    have a splendid v-day ~hugs~"

    would you add something else to it?

    and dont slam me because I;m sending a txt message

    I'm a busy person and I'm out of town constantly ....even this entire week....and ordering flowers or sending gift would be to over the top

    besides we txt each other a lot so i think its not in bad taste

    Today is v-day....should I send this message?
    no thats good send it
    Reply:go for it don't hold yourself
    Reply:yea, thats kinda cheesy, but idk, if she's a blonde she might just love it....LOL
    Reply:that sounds fine go for it.
    Reply:maybe delete the first two lines - i think they are unnecessary (only my opinion). but i think explaining that you appreciate her as a good friend is important (as you have done).

    don't miss out on this one though by holding back for too long. go with your true feelings for her and be guided by her feelings about the whole thing too.

    all the best with it!
    Reply:that sounds fine. I'm sure she'd be happy to receive any message from u on v-day.

    just make sure she doesn't end up thinking you ONLY want to be friends.
    Reply:1. permission granted

    Should I keep talking to her?

    We met each other for a short period of time, but both fell for each other. Problem is, she lives 14 000 km away. We've been calling each other, but I am starting to realize that I might not see her again for another year or two. So is there a point to talking to her, if it'll just hurt us in the end? I mean I like her, I even ordered flowers to be sent to her work before I left, which should arrive shortly. But if we talk wouldn't we just be limiting ourselves and hurting ourselves?

    Should I keep talking to her?
    If you love her, then go for it. But then, think again: It's a long-distance relationship, and those kind of relationships are very hard and painful sometimes. It's very difficult to stay in touch... Anyway only you know what to do.....
    Reply:It's certainly painful to get hurt, put urself in her place and think emotionally if she starts to depend on u she'd want to be with u constantly...but in the same time if she falls for some other guy and if ur heavily involved then u get hurt don't u ? or vice versa but if u both decide u want to remain good friends then yes go ahead and keep talking as friends do coz u never know how things may change. If u and her are meant to be together for life then maybe both of u wud commit to each other out of loving friendship...Infact I'd say see if u can get her a job in ur present country so that u can be with each other together lol ofcourse she has to be ready to relocate too.

    I don't think u'd go and settle in Asia so I am not mentionaing that but love is serious business so u need to think logically and with ur heart too quite a tough combination of thinking u c ;-)

    The key is not to get involved emotionally infact u'd know now if u both were infatuated with each other since it was just a few days that u were with each other and now with the distance maybe u'd know how serious u both are with each other. In a matter of few days u'll realise if u both can be serious with each other. Only time can tell.
    Reply:Destiny is a funny thing. Listen here, if you really like her then its worth the wait. Besides you might not ever find someone as wonderful for you than her, and you will regret not talking to her anymore. If its meant to be you will be together no matter what. I hope you don't hurt eachother, but when its true it hurts sometimes. There is a point in talking to her because you two enjoy eachothers conversations, and its pure and natural. If anything stay friends, you never know where this world will take you, maybe even 14000 miles closer to the one you love.
