Monday, February 13, 2012

Can anyone help a dim witted American fill out a form with and English Address?

I am in the States and want to order Valentine flowers for my b/f who is in England. If I was sending them to his home I would have no problem with putting his address into the form but I want to send them to his workplace so I am a little confused since the addy is longer then any American addy. If anyone is willing to take a little time and e-mail me at mc1202s@yahoo I would be more then happy to e-mail you the address and a copy of the form so you can show me what goes where.....and eternally greatfull too!!! Thanx!

Can anyone help a dim witted American fill out a form with and English Address?
Mailed you and sorted it out! You romantic so and so!
Reply:If you want to email me I will try to help. I am English and live in the States so I hope I can. My email is
Reply:well you need to no his post code for e.g BS12 0HG

and his street country a so on...
Reply:How can I send flowers to Lady Ash??? That's the real question...
Reply:It would be easier for you to order them online from a british florist. When My husbands mother died, we did the same in reverse. We found it easier to go to an american website, and order the flowers from there. They arrived on time, and looked very nice. Hubbies family sent us sdome pictures of them at the funeral. It was just sad that we couldn't get over there to see them for ourselves.
Reply:no problem

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