Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should I keep talking to her?

We met each other for a short period of time, but both fell for each other. Problem is, she lives 14 000 km away. We've been calling each other, but I am starting to realize that I might not see her again for another year or two. So is there a point to talking to her, if it'll just hurt us in the end? I mean I like her, I even ordered flowers to be sent to her work before I left, which should arrive shortly. But if we talk wouldn't we just be limiting ourselves and hurting ourselves?

Should I keep talking to her?
If you love her, then go for it. But then, think again: It's a long-distance relationship, and those kind of relationships are very hard and painful sometimes. It's very difficult to stay in touch... Anyway only you know what to do.....
Reply:It's certainly painful to get hurt, put urself in her place and think emotionally if she starts to depend on u she'd want to be with u constantly...but in the same time if she falls for some other guy and if ur heavily involved then u get hurt don't u ? or vice versa but if u both decide u want to remain good friends then yes go ahead and keep talking as friends do coz u never know how things may change. If u and her are meant to be together for life then maybe both of u wud commit to each other out of loving friendship...Infact I'd say see if u can get her a job in ur present country so that u can be with each other together lol ofcourse she has to be ready to relocate too.

I don't think u'd go and settle in Asia so I am not mentionaing that but love is serious business so u need to think logically and with ur heart too quite a tough combination of thinking u c ;-)

The key is not to get involved emotionally infact u'd know now if u both were infatuated with each other since it was just a few days that u were with each other and now with the distance maybe u'd know how serious u both are with each other. In a matter of few days u'll realise if u both can be serious with each other. Only time can tell.
Reply:Destiny is a funny thing. Listen here, if you really like her then its worth the wait. Besides you might not ever find someone as wonderful for you than her, and you will regret not talking to her anymore. If its meant to be you will be together no matter what. I hope you don't hurt eachother, but when its true it hurts sometimes. There is a point in talking to her because you two enjoy eachothers conversations, and its pure and natural. If anything stay friends, you never know where this world will take you, maybe even 14000 miles closer to the one you love.


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