Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Would a gift certificate for a cleaning service be a good Valentine's Day gift?

I wanted to get the opinion from some women of what they thought of this gift idea. Would it be insulting or welcomed if you got a gift certificate from your husband to have a service like Merry Maids or who ever to come into your home to do a one time whole house cleaning service? I already have reservations for dinner and a babysitter lined up and I have already ordered flowers to be delivered to her office, so this is in addition to that. Or should I stick to jewelry?

Would a gift certificate for a cleaning service be a good Valentine's Day gift?
that is an awesome idea. women need a break or a day to relax and valentines day would be the perfect day to do so. I love your idea, i wish more guys were like you! not only do i like that part but the flowers deleverd to her office, the dinner and the babysitter. wow what could go wrong??? NOTHING. it sounds perfect, definently do that. it will be a valentines day to remember.

P.S always remember that most girls dont just want material things. well i think you already know that. GOOD LUCK
Reply:At first I was going to say no. But since she expressed an interest...why not. She may like it and desire for a professional cleaning every few months tho. But that is an automatic built in gift for everything else!
Reply:I would LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE that. All you have to say, is that you want to free up your time together, so you both had more leisure time! My husband would love that gift as much as I would...
Reply:I think it's a great idea. Not all gifts have to be romantic in nature. It definetly shows you're thinking of her. And, really, what's more romantic than that? =)
Reply:Hm, would your wife be bothered by someone touching all the stuff in the house? My mom would flip out if someone came in to clean and she would be insulted thinking someone was calling the house dirty (which it is, she only cleans when people come over and that's maybe once a month). The rest of the gift sounds very nice though.
Reply:umm, i think you should have the cleaning service go to it while you and your wife are out :O) you don't have to get her jewelry, thats pretty expensive if your already dishing out money... I say gather a bunch of pictures and go to this website below. They make wonderful books. You write in captions and send pictures and they make a beautiful book out of it. My relatives went to europe and made a book out of their pictures and its so beautiful and looks professionally done! They picked a large size and it was just so cool! It's hardback and the colors are amazing :O)
Reply:An absolute great idea, I gave it to my wife a year or so ago and she loved it. Not only was it thoughtful but it helped her out to. She got to rest. Honestly how mush jewelery or candy does a woman need. A good clane house is the best way to go.
Reply:As long as it isn't the only present I'm sure the maid service would be welcomed. Maybe, so it isn't taken the wrong way, you could also suggest a day away from the home (maybe the both of you?) at a local spa while the house is being cleaned. What you have arranged already sounds really sweet and as long as the angle is more focused on her having a break and not pointing out that she keeps a messy house it'll be appreciated.
Reply:as long as your wife isn't funny about strangers in the house, it's a great idea! I would love for somone to clean my house top to bottom!
Reply:stick with the jewlery, u can never go wrong with jewlery. DO NOT, get her a gift card to a cleaning service.

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