Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Are bridesmaids supposed to enter the church after the page boy and flower girl and before the bride?

Or is the order of entrance usually different?

Are bridesmaids supposed to enter the church after the page boy and flower girl and before the bride?
I direct weddings and this is the proper order

1st - groomsmen (if you want them to process)

2nd - junior bridesmaids if having

3rd - bridesmaids (from shortest to tallest *excluding MOH)

4th - Maid/Matron of Honor

5th - ring bearer

6th - flower girls (if you only have 1 flower girl she can enter with the ring bearer)

7th - the bride

8th - train bearers if your train is long enough (don't do it if your train isn't the proper length or it will just look silly)

Hope this has been helpful.
Reply:The bridesmaids go up the aisle first, in reverse order.

The page boy and flower girl go right before the bride.
Reply:bridesmaids then maid of honor then the ring bearer then the flower girl.... who sprinkles petals for the bride.
Reply:i think its maid on honor then bridsmaids, then the flowergirl/ring bearer, then the bride. you move from the inside out
Reply:The bridesmaids enter first, then the maid of honor, page boys and / or flower girls are just before the bride. However. it is your wedding.... you can pretty well do as you please.
Reply:They are supposed to enter when you want them to
Reply:Bridesmaids walk first, then the Maid of Honor and the the ring bearer and flower girl typically together. The bride is last
Reply:I think bridesmaids are 1st, then ring bearer, then flower girl, who spreads the petals for the bride to walk on.
Reply:In my experience as a videographer, Bridesmaids first, then ring bearer, then flower girl then maid of honor then you.

sometimes they do bridesmaids then maid of honor then the ring bearer then the flower girl.
Reply:Bridesmaids and Groomsmen enter before the flowergirl /ring bearer.

The flowergirl is the one who enters right before you, she sets up ur grand entrance.

Hope ur wedding day is fab, like mine was a year ago.

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