Monday, February 13, 2012

Is it just me or are you SICK & TIRED of all the bad service EVERYWHERE?

We want our kitchen remoldeled. We went to Home Depot last week and pick out some cabinets, wood floors, sick etc. We fully expect to pay 17k-20k for the job. They were supposed to come out Friday night to measure....some guy called and said we is to do the measurement but his child had a balllgame and asked if he could come Sat., morning...we said sure, he asked for 8 am...we changed our plan to accomidate HIM. It's now 9:15 and nothing...NO CALL, NO nothng!

OH...and we paid UPFRONT $100 for just the measurement. WE are leaving in 30 minutes to HomeDepot to demad our money back.

Ordered flowers for my wife on Feb 10th...I asked for dthem to deliver to her work BEFORE 12 noon...they said NO problem....she got then Feb 15...the DAY AFTER Valentines day...another $225 order screwed up...they won't refund my money.............................yet!!!... going on in America??????

I can't imagine treating customers like this...I would be FIRED if I ever treated some

Is it just me or are you SICK %26amp; TIRED of all the bad service EVERYWHERE?
The root of this problem is that many children are being (and have been for a while) raised to have a sense of entitlement. Children who have this sense of entitlement, tend to grow up to be adults who do not take pride in their work. Good service is about pride in ones self and pride in ones work ethic. When someone has this sense of entitlement they will often take a job (yet not last long at it) and because it pays only "x" amount it's not worth any effort, have you heard the term "They don't pay me enough to do that". It's sad, but you see it in school age children regarding their education too. They take no pride in working hard for even their own gain, as though even their education isn't worth the effort. It really is heartbreaking.

I was taught, as I'm sure many have been, that no matter what you grow up to be, no matter what job you decide to take, do it to the best of your ability and put every effort towards the best in your field.
Reply:yep-they keep this up and there is going to be some real trouble!
Reply:call their customer service dept and explain the situation, they will be willing to accomodate you.
Reply:That truly is deplorable. Speak to the highest manager you can get and express how disappointed you feel and that they have now caused you to lose confidence in their ability to give satisfactory service. And tell every friend and aquaintance you know about them too. They don't deserve to be in business.

Cheers and I sure hope you get your money refunded.

Reply:i know EXACTLY what u mean. i am at the mercy of contractors a lot in my job. they are seldom on schedule, sub-contractors don't show up more times than not, they will NOT return their customer's calls, they will show up, work an hour, leave, and not return for DAYS, and they never apologize for ANY of it. MY customer's are generally FUMING AND CURSING their own contractors, and by the time a home is built, they all but HATE them! AND if you can actually get a contractor to FINISH a job as promised, it is nothing short of a GLORIOUS MIRACLE!!! I run into this CONSTANTLY, and have to tell my customers that this is the NORM not the exception. It is frustrating, exasperating, and unprofessional. But it seems to be the standard mode of operation!
Reply:If it's a retail complaint, go right to the District Manager. Call the store and ask for the name and address or fax number of the DM, and send THEM your complaint. I was in retail for many years, and believe me, people quake at the sound of those two words...district manager. They're above the store manager and more than likely will give them hell.
Reply:What a dampener. Yeah. It is frustrating. Sometimes, when we DO get good customer service, it really stands out. Ultimately, it all comes down, I feel, to the intrinsic values and qualities and of the individual involved. Some people just get away with stuff. Others don't get caught. Ofcourse, we have to allow for human mistakes also, since none of us is a machine really with an on/off switch. Our personal issues and circumstances and moods do kick in. We can't always expect them to be perfect, YET, getting this kind of service feels painful. I know exactly how u might feel.
Reply:I find poor service to be a common thread among larger companies. They already have a large customer base and therefore although they like your money it isn't important to them.

Whenever possibly I try to deal with smaller local companies. My city had local listing of everything with comments from people who have used the company. I find this to be a great way to go. normally the owners are directly involved with the staff you deal with. Every purchase large or small is appreciated.

heck I won't even spend my money in a store where I am not acknowledged. Let's face it, as a customer you are doing the company a favor by shopping there. You should not have to hunt down service, it should be offered to you the moment you walk though the door.
Reply:Most of the problem is that many business owners hire the young and inexperienced like high schoolers or college age kids that could care less if they are working and just want to know where the next party is. As for your situation with the Home Depot I would take my complaint straight to the top. Demand your money back and make sure that the local store knows what this type of business practice can do to its reputation. Some cities have community whistle blowers, you know the reporters that go around reporting the wrong doings of local establishments. I would contact the local news station and ask if they have a reporter willing to go full throttle with your story. People should know how they will be treated if doing business with them. As for the flower delivery that was plain stupidity. The florist should have had brains enough to know that you intended your order for delivery on the DATE THAT YOU SET. Some people...probably the delivery person didn't speak english or was too hopped up on pot. None the less, you should get your money refunded. Make some noise. Be the thorn in their side. Good luck.
Reply:Its amazing how the world has changed in regards to service.

How about when you go thru a restaurant drive-thru like McDonalds for example and the employee hands you the bag thru the window and does not say anything....period not Thank you, Have a good day just says nothing at all!

It makes me so made that I say Thank you and have even had the reply from the employee "Unhuh"!

Or how about when you ask an employee a question like where something is in a store and they look at you like "your bothering me".....

It seems to me that it takes more energy not to mention it makes you feel worse when your nasty to people then if your friendly to people... the world just isnt friendly anymore.
Reply:My husband and I noticed the same thing,you can't take anyone at their word. Our time is valuable too. Seems like there is no commitment to service. We keep saying we won't give them any business any more , but we are going to run out of places to go and people to do business with
Reply:Blame management, and the corporate rulers. Trying to squeeze each and every penny for profit, they sacrifice budget and training wherever possible, resulting in undisciplined service.

I see it everywhere. The boss is to blame, because if these guys were getting a decent living wage AND getting the whip snapped, you would get nothing but perfect service.

You know what SUCKS? That most companies have dual-pronged customer service agents...for example, if you call Dish Network satellite (as a basic service customer) they will forward your call to bad customer service reps in India, but if you have their more expensive programming, you'll get a smaller, more professional office in the US. It's true. Same with the banks--they recognize your "status" as a customer, and if you have 100K in the bank rather than just $100, you'll get automatically transferred to an operator immediately rather than being stuck on hold forever.
Reply:Long gone are the days of good service and getting your money's worth. Sometimes I feel they think they're doing ME the favor by dealing with me. I've had the flower thing happen to me too. It was a birthday. People are lazy are just don't give a damn anymore. And cashiers should not be allowed to have cell phones. I hate that the worst.
Reply:It's crazy, isn't it. what is wrong with people?
Reply:way to rant man. i agree 100% though. the prob is that everybody hates their jobs. nobody has respect for their duties simply cause they dont want to do them. that's why those stupid people work in flowers and at mcdonald's instead of at hospitals, becasue they arent smart or motivated enought to do the right thing.
Reply:I notice it a lot. I think a chinese restaurant recently put laxitives in my food for asking for condiments and refills. I now make my own coffee and ice tea to avoid going to the fast food places, and go to the store during off hours to avoid the equally rude customers in the store. I think the problem is... we have lost our morality, and it's trickling down into every part of our lives (from customer service to safety in schools). We're becoming a Godless, selfish society, and there's a big price!
Reply:I know, everyone is getting so mean these days and no one is doing anything about it. I went to get my hair cut a couple of days ago and this girl asked what # I was getting on the sides and the back(I don't cut hair) and I said I wanted it all just shaved and to do what she thought was best and she looked at me all mad like she was depressed and then she went and talked to the other barber,it was terrible service and I know what you mean about when you said whats wrong with America. I guess there's some people that are just like that.
Reply:you now you are right. alot of service does suck. i always hate people that do checkout at the groccery store. all they do is talk talk talk! try BBB

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