Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feeling insecure .?

I started dating a new girlfrend 4 month ago . i have konwn this girl for the last 8 years . i do the deliveries any odd jobs for her at her works thats how we met . she got married 2 yrs ago and is now fully devorced., we started dating 4 /5 month ago it was very hot at the time now things have all quietend down (thats usual )i love this girl very much an had so much fun with her even spoiling her dinner presies flowers etc . she is now saying its all to much and would like a few nites on her own . the more iam not with her the more i want to be their she is now saying iam insecure (i think she prob right ) i said this morning that i have ordered flowers for easter for the 3 girls that work for her (no i not fancy them ) she went mad and said they not my staff i allready given them an easter egg . and that i am freaking her out and she wants me to leave her alone ( just for now i think ) . how do i stop my self wanting to be with all the time . how do i help myself ? loose her

Feeling insecure .?
aww well im sure youre doing these things just cuz you care but maybe your girlfriend just needs a little space. so instead of being with her 24/7 you can hang out with your friends, play sports, or whatever hobby you have ^^? try doing some of the things you liked to do before you met if you liked reading or sth?

Good luck~!
Reply:My advice will come from another perspective compared to all the other answers you've received. First off, you may have jumped too fast with feelings for this girl and she might not be near with the strength you are experiencing. You have to understand that we do not chose who we love. You do have a problem for coming on too much BUT, if she was the right girl for you and felt the same about you, you would NOT feel insecure. Trust me, with the right person, you will not feel insecure, noone will call you a stalker (how rude, just because you are NICE to someone and give them your HEART) and you will not feel naive and betrayed. Usually people react rude because they are ashamed of their own lack of feelings and because they are hurting the person and it's a natural human reaction, but they are not to be blamed or resented for trying. Sorry, but you should let her go completely. She has JUST come out of a divorce, probably a lot of feelings left, maybe you are just a rebound. Sorry I have to be blunt, but you have to be served the truth at this point. Back off completely and IF she wants you again, TAKE IT SLOW! Then, if she doesn't start having real feelings for you, leave the thing. Which it seems to me it will happen, she is not The One, sorry. I've known people dragging the relationships for years, even getting married for a person to find out they were never loved, it makes a person mental trying to understand what went wrong when NOTHING was wrong, she/he just couldn't love him/her! The suckiest thing about love is that you do not chose who you love, the sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to recognize the right partner to have a relationship with a perspective with.
Reply:Get some therapy you really are on the verge of becoming a stalker she has asked you to back off. She has explained that you are creeping her out and yet you still are all about you. You're not about how you're so sorry you have frightened her and made her feel uncomfortable but are all about how will I deal with the loss. Geesh you're no where near ready for a relationship. She asked nice now back off before she calls the cops.
Reply:I used to be / still am the same in relationships. I was told by both of my ex's that I was too clingy and insecure and that's one of the main reasons they left me. I have now come to realise that people do need some space on their own. You can't live in each others pockets. I love spending time with the people that I go out with, but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. When she asks you to have time on her own, agree and plan a night with the lads. If you have trust issues then you can also use the nights to take your mind off her. Please take the advice of someone who has lost two people who meant alot to her. Especially one of them. Give it time and soon you will also begin to appreciate the time on your own as well.
Reply:no wonder she is freaked out, I'm sorry but i would be to. Maybe like me she is just not used to having someone care about her that much. How sweet but you need to calm down if you dont want to loose her. Give her a couple of days then ask her to meet you for a drink so you can talk. Tell her that your sorry and it was only because you like her alot and you understand that you came on to strong. Tel her you will stop buying things(special occasions only otherwise it will just be abused and mean nothing) arrange to meet up another night in a few days but until the date dont phone or send her anything. Keep your self busy
Reply:if your not care full you are going to lose this girl...take a back seat and stop being so full on... see you guys can ether be too full on or not at all....there is no in between...

leave her alone for a couple of days...this relation ship has to go both ways...maybe she just wanted a bit of fun and you are going to far...give her some time....and cool it with her...I'm not saying stop seeing her but just cool it and have your days apart to do other going out with your mates...ect...good look hunie be care full don't get hurt...don't let her see you as a bunny boiler...
Reply:loose this chick you need to help yourself.
Reply:Basically, she just wanted a dick for her own pleasuring needs. She figured she would F*ck you for awhile, but then when she caught drift of maybe " this guy is wanting something more, and it's freaking me out". Women do not want the "nice guy", unless he makes money, or if he look's like a "pretty boy". Goodlooking women like assholes who treat them like sh*t, and they date these guy's because their insecure. They also date them because they look like a couple in a glamour magizine and their friends a prove. It's all B.S., it's all games, women are thinking about every problem and about every situation all the time. It's gets them into trouble, and sometimes us men get involved in the drama. Women are crazy, at a young age their already thinking of marriage and thinking of having lunch with janice on a tuesday afternoon, while their money making husband is working. That's the life they want, not all women though. That's why I usually stay away from white women, I'll date either spanish or women from another country other than america. Their more mature and down to earth, their not spoiled like americans. Date older women as well, they can be classy, more mature, not into games, etc... (not all though) keep that in mind. Good luck to you...........
Reply:she told u to leave her alone just do it,dont be desperate u'll find someone else
Reply:Yes, dump her, quickly. She's a garbage can.

  • guerlain
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