Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's day?

Is it really such an @$$ whipping for guys? How hard is it to just pick up the phone and order flowers for your gf or wife? Really? What is the big deal? it's a girlie holiday, and guess what, IT IS ONE DAY a's over in 24 hours...8 of those you are probably sleeping!

Valentine's day?
hahaha. i love the idea of having a whole day to celebrate love - whether it's romantic or friendly. boys are just lazy.
Reply:Yeah, we get Valentine's Day, they get Steak %26amp; BJ day!

Smart guys know it's worth it to spoil their women a little (or a lot) on Valentine's Day!
Reply:It isn't that hard. I don't know what you're talking about.
Reply:Not to mention that there are a zillion earthly reminders... it's sooo commercial. How could anyone possibly forget?
Reply:seriously dump him if he cant do that for you. my husband had roses sent to me that came in a special vase with a diamond. Also along with that a box of chocolates, a bear and a balloon was sent.
Reply:Girls that complain about it like you don't deserve flowers or anything...
Reply:costs $$
Reply:It's only one day a year - do you really care that much about a bunch of flowers that will be dead in a week or would you really rather have a guy that treasures you 365. My parents marriage lasted for 49 years until my mother died. I don't remember my father ever ordering flowers from florist for her. I do remember him coming home and coming up behind her at the sink hugging her, giving her a kiss and telling her that he loved her. And that happen multiple times a week.
Reply:tru dat.. even if ur broke..atleast make a card with a piece of paper! jeez..even for a friend..u dont hav to b in love with her or anythin..
Reply:they dont remember anything.
Reply:Nice attitude...did you get or do anything equally nice and sweet for him?

Superbowl Sunday is only one day a year also...

C' remember the Golden Rule don't you...

Life is far too short to be so p!ssy about one day of the year.
Reply:good point

i agree
Reply:It's right. I mean, all guys are like that. Some of them even get their valentine something even though they dont feel like it. if you ask me, i dont really care for one as long as i know that he loves me.
Reply:You're totally right!!
Reply:thats right! you tell em' girl!
Reply:THANK YOU!-they just like to make everything about themselves.
Reply:No it just means you are with the "wrong" guy..simple THere are plenty of men out there that wont forget special days....
Reply:Usually on this day, most guys's lightbulbs arent on. Its such a guy thing. They dont think of "Valentine's Day" as a REAL holiday.
Reply:while some guys are forgettful and lazy, some don't have the money, or maybe they ordered something but it didnt come in on time
Reply:THANK you!
Reply:its not because guys should be showing ove to their gf or wife every day

so valentines day should be just and extra special love

to proove that every other day that they show love towords their loved one

that they truly love them
Reply:my thoughts exactly, it is sooo hard for a man to write a few sentences in a card. just get some flowers or candy and you wont have to deal with a mad wife. but women shouldn't think that they don't need to get there guy a gift, it is a 2 way street.
Reply:if only ordering flowers was enough.

Reply:who cares
Reply:Kinda hard when you don't have anyone to send the flowers to...
Reply:THANK YOU!!!!!!
Reply:tell 'em
Reply:i agree 100000 persent! guys are soooo lazy that they cant even send u flowers or pick u up choclates! they exspect us 2 do everything!
Reply:Come on girls...atleast m not one of those

there are two types of who is always after girls for sex thingy

and the other are just too passionate about their girls....and they are honest ......
Reply:it costs $.

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