Thursday, February 9, 2012

An ex-friend that I havent heard from in years just sent me flowers for my birthday. How should I respond?

She betrayed me to "get ahead" and acted as she did nothing wrong. She doesn't admit any wrong-doing on her part and was very nasty at the end of our "friendship." She was a user and bad-mouthed me to people in order to make herself look good. Now after years, I hear from her out of the blue cuz she's riding high. It is strange and I wonder why after all these years.

An ex-friend that I havent heard from in years just sent me flowers for my birthday. How should I respond?
Thank her. Do not worry about what other people say about you, just respond in kindness and things will work itself out. If you thank her, and be nice to her, then she looks bad by bad mouthing you.
Reply:she wants u back dude if it sounds good go for it
Reply:Time to forget she sent them and place her on your lifes block list!
Reply:Probably she is just trying to showoff to you how much she has gone ahead of you. She should have called if she were really thinking about appologising.

The nicer thing to do is send her back a thankyou card.
Reply:Maybe she sent you the flowers to try to make amends for what she did so many years ago. I would thank her for the flowers and then you need to decide if you can put what happened between you and her behind you. I know that it is difficult to forgive her because of what she did to you. I have been in your shoes before and chose to forgive the other person because it happened a long time ago. Do what you feel is right. Good Luck!
Reply:she's feeling guilty. maybe she changed who knows... why don't u talk with her?
Reply:sounds like she is sorry for the way she treated you, as u said it was years ago you should phone her to say thank you and make a mense.... no point in holding a grudge, even if she did hurt you. xxxxxxxxx good luck
Reply:Yeah I had a friend just like that and if I ever would receive anything at all from her I would just throw it away. It would not be worth the heartache of having her back into my life again.
Reply:sometime in a person's life, she comes to a point where she remembers all the nasty things she's done and all the precious friends she lost because of her nasty ways. maybe this ex friend of yours has reached this point and wants to make amends on what she has done. maybe she has come to realize how precious you are to her and she wants to win back your friendship. the fact that she remembered your birthday is a sign that you have been an important part of her life at one time. how do you respond? well, a simple thank you and a warm hug would erase all the bad feelings and memories that hppened. open your heart to forgiveness as long as she is sincere with it.
Reply:Just write her a letter and say thank you for the lovely flowers on my Birthday I am glad you have not forgotten me after all these years.

Ask her her reasoning and write about your suspisions of her wrong doings if she responds back to you. If she does not respond then you know she is trying to get in good with someone you are close to now and does not want them to know about what she did.

Sometimes people do this. If she responds then she wants to be friends again.
Reply:Sounds like maybe she's feeling guilty about hurting a friend and wants to make ammends.
Reply:She's probably grown up and matured some since that incident and now feels bad. You should either write her a thank you note back or give her a call. Express how you feel - don't hold back. See if you hear from her again. She may be truly sorry. :(
Reply:i guess that take it as a gift and move on or trust ur gut and if you think that she wants you back
Reply:Send a thankyou note. Enjoy the flowers. Get over it.

internet explorer 7

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