Saturday, February 11, 2012

Please revise and edit using these vocabulary to these sentence?

First words are vocab so you have to use it. Please check for grammar

Recurrent: After John has had a stroke in a number of times, the doctor wars that having a stroke can be recurrent for his body

Redolent: John, a botanist, announces that this flower is redolent of perfume.

Redoubtable: Students who are new to this school are redoubtable because they haven’t talked to their classmates yet. However, after going to school for two weeks, they will get used to it.

Redress: After having had an enormous car crash last week, I had to redress the door, side mirror, and a dashboard.

Redundant: Since the chef made many dishes for Queen Elizabeth for her birthday party, he had to throw away redundant dishes.

Refractory: This child is refractory that he doesn’t share candies with others.

Refurbish: After washing the car, you have to refurbish it in order to eliminate any strains.

Refute: A protester refuted to the CEO of the company that they didn’t earn much salary from their jobs.

Please revise and edit using these vocabulary to these sentence?
Honey, You use too many pronouns and too much complicated structure. The trick is to "simplify, simplify, simplify". Notice how I take words out to make the vocabulary right.

-After John had a number of strokes, the doctor warned that strokes can be recurrent.

-...announced that the flower was redolent with a strong scent.

-- Students have a redoubtable attitude towards their new surroundings. (redoubtable is an adjective)

-After the truck hit my car, I had to seek redress from the trucking company, (It's easier to use this word as a noun- it means, basically, payback.

- redundant is fine

- This child has such a refractory personality that he is impossible to deal with. (Again, its and adjective in this case.)

-We want to refurbish the house for the wedding.

-Congress invited the accused senator to refute the charges against him.

Some suggestions with vocabulary: Use a Dictionary. Have it open to the word as you write.

Pay attention to parts of speech.

Keep your sentences simple.

Good luck

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