Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is the top selling painting idea ... flowers? animals? landscapes?

Just want to know what i should paint in order to turn around a profit

I understand every has there thing and what they like i just want to know what is the best seller?

What is the top selling painting idea ... flowers? animals? landscapes?
Throughout the history of art the 'best selling' art painted during it's time, and the art that has become most famous, has always been portraits. However, these days portraits would be a harder thing to sell to the general public unless you're already famous (think of Warhol's 'Marilyn' portraits).

The top selling art being made in America in the last sixty years has been abstract, not realism (Pollack, Johns, Rothko, ect.).

The top selling non-abstracts in this country have been landscapes, usually with regional, with recognizable themes (like those by Andrew Wyatt). Still lifes, like flowers in pots, table-top items, etc., don't have much of a market. These is a small, but passionate, market for animal wildlife art. Just as there is a small, but equally passionate, buying market for western art.
Reply:landscapes seem to be hot in this neck of the woods,

golf courses, sell well
Reply:Forget about painting to turn a profit....true artists paints from their soul and deep within what moves them at that time...if others like it enough to purchase it...then so be it...paint your soul not for the $
Reply:I would say people. Most the paintings I like have people in them
Reply:The highest prices are actually achieved by contemporary artists who do NOT do traditional, representational art. The kind of art you're describing, is conservative, old-fashioned, decorative art. If your decision on what to paint is based on 'turning a profit', you're in the wrong business. Artists should paint what they are inspired to paint, not what sells best. Otherwise they are not true artists at all, simply mechanics who make products.
Reply:I'v found people really like Contemparary, still life, landscapes, and folkart. They will buy these if they are reasonably priced. My preference is in tradition art and i do alot of it, but i also do what is generally refered to as throw away art. Quick paintings that don't take alot of my time and are painted in a style i don't normally paint in, but are still quite good. Some people need to get real and realize that art has to be looked at as a business and the old way of the poor artist doing all the work while others rake in the profits are over. A word of warning, if in your quest to turn a profit you forget why you started painting in the first place, and produce alot of bad and cheap art your days as an artist will be numbered, or worst, those bad works of art may come back to haunt you later, an artist nightmare.
Reply:I would think landscapes, from your list.

but nonobjective, folk art, and abstract are pretty popular these days.
Reply:Inpressionist Landscapes are the Hot item in painting. Some of the highest paid artist are from California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico who are all in the Landscape catagory. Once you establish yourself and have (Groupies) your paintings should sell by word of mouth. But I must also agree with the other Yahoo'er, if you are painting for just $$$ you are in for a long hall. Put your work out over the web, post on sites like this one, myspace etc. Show your work, the more you are seen the better chances that someone will appreciate what you are doing. I put a few pieces of mine over the internet, about 2 months later I received a email from someone representing Macaulay Culkin, who I have painted in the past, (POP ART) and he purchased one of the paintings I had done of him! Cha Ching! I have a dual artist personality, I paint Impressionist landscapes under my real name, and POP ART under "Dizzy".... Contemp. art is a hot seller as well, I know its not on your list but look at some of the pieces selling on ebay and you can see alot of artist are making a good living of Contemp. paintings. Most of all, Have Fun!

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